Hans-Joerg Wagner wrote:
> Hi there
> I try to prototype an automatic analyzation system for customers having 
> problems with our embedded system. I like to play with SEC. But unfortunately 
> the best documentation I found disappeared from the web.
> I hope Jim Brown is listening out there. Your brilliant documentation 
> disappeared from
> http://sixshooter.v6.thrupoint.net/SEC-examples/article.html
> Fortunately I still got the content from the google cache. I printed and 
> saved it in pdf format. Perhaps Jim or somebody else is interested to host it 
> for the simple-evcorr-users.
> Cheers
> Hans-Joerg Wagner B.Sc.EE / PGDip. SE
I may host this, can you please send me the pdf?

I'll let you know the url when it's up.



Hari Sekhon
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