I think you have addressed part of what I am asking.  Using you as a 
sounding board - So if I read a ticket and create a log event 
"myhost.mydomain Maintenance window scheduled 200912090800 for 3600 
seconds", would I need to parse the start time, and compare to <now>, 
and use that delta in the tevent?


Risto Vaarandi wrote:
> Tim,
> you could tackle the problem in several ways.
> First, there is a way to implement at-like functionality dynamically 
> in SEC through the 'tevent' action (it's the most recently added 
> action that appeared in version 2.4.2).
> The 'tevent' action generates a synthetic event after given amount of 
> seconds, and the number of seconds can be a variable. Since you said 
> that you would like to provide the size of the maintenance window via 
> the event stream, you could augment that event with the number of 
> seconds that have remained to the beginning of the maintenance window. 
> You could then use Single rule for catching that event which triggers 
> the actual context creation via 'tevent':
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=MAINTENANCE AFTER (\d+) sec FOR (\d+) sec
> desc=trigger the creation of maintenance context \
>  after $1 seconds with a lifetime of $2 seconds
> action=tevent $1 MAINT_CONTEXT_FOR_$2
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=MAINT_CONTEXT_FOR_(\d+)
> desc=create maintenance context for $1 seconds
> action=create MAINT_CONTEXT $1
> Another (and perhaps simpler) way of addressing the problem would be 
> to create a temporary context with the lifetime of $1 seconds in the 
> first rule, which would create MAINT_CONTEXT with a lifetime of $2 
> from its action-on-expire list. In that case you only have one rule, 
> and if you are afraid of losing state between restarts, SEC can be 
> easily configured to store/reload its contexts to/from disk at 
> shutdown/restart (see a 5 year old post from the mailing list: 
> http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/message.php?msg_id=4177CC7F.7080002%40eyp.ee).
> On the other hand, 'tevent' creates a separate synthetic event that 
> can be matched by other rules as well, and its use is more convenient 
> if you would like to set up several event processing rules for 
> maintenance window creation.
> hth,
> risto
> On 12/03/2009 02:23 PM, Tim Peiffer wrote:
>> I have been running SEC as a method to front-end trouble ticketing via
>> HP ServiceCenter.  One of the problems I have not figured out is how to
>> dynamically schedule context creation so that I can bypass the ticket
>> creation if there is a known maintenance window.  I have very little
>> clue on how to develop a dynamic scheduler in SEC.  I am looking for
>> ideas; has this problem already been tackled?  I am thinking that I
>> might be able to employ the perl module Schedule::At
>> (http://search.cpan.org/~joserodr/Schedule-At-1.08/At.pm), but that may
>> not be necessary.  I think that the actual maintenance window should be
>> sent through the event stream.
>> Lets say that there is a known maintenance window on a particular device
>> (router, switch).  I would like to do a search of the network topology
>> starting at the device that the maintenance window is declared, and
>> create a context for each one of the managed devices below that point.
>> The context creation should have a defined date/time of birth, and a
>> defined life time.
>> Regards,
>> Tim

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