Hi Risto:

In message <aanlktikpqrrfg2rshokhyynl8ob9wjojmvlfdldxs...@mail.gmail.com>,
Risto Vaarandi writes:
>Also, I have made substantial changes to the man page and although the
>overall structure is roughly the same, a lot of content is completely
>rewritten. The old man page was simply too old and patched in too many
>places. Hopefully things look much more clean now, and the
>documentation reads better :)

In the man page there is this section:

  create [<name> [<time> [<action list>] ] ]
              Create  a  context with the name <name>, lifetime of <time> sec-
              onds, and empty event store. [...] 
              If  an already existing context is recreated with
              create, its lifetime is extended for <time> seconds, its  action
              list is reinitialized, and its event store is emptied.

is that true? If the context foo has 30 seconds left in its life and
I execute:

  create foo 60

does foo expire after 90 seconds or after 60 seconds?

If it's 90 seconds, rewording it like:

   its remaining lifetime is extended for <time> seconds

makes it a bit more explicit. If it's only 60 seconds:

   its lifetime is (re)set to <time> seconds

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
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