In message <>,
Tim Peiffer writes:
>I am trying to figure out how to elegantly write a generalized ruleset 
>that follows the basic form:
>Time: EventSet  VarHost VarPort VarThreshold
>Time+X: EventClear VarHost VarPort VarThreshold
>and I am looking for ideas.  The paired event is defined as:
>EventSet.VarHost == EventClear.VarHost) and ( EventSet.VarPort == 
>How would one write a ruleset that covers the above?


  type = pair
  desc = general framework for matching $1 $2
  ptype = regexp
  rem = ([\w.-]+) = $1 = VarHost; (\d+) = $2 = VarPort
  pattern =  EventSet ([\w.-]+) (\d+)
  action = do something when pattern 1 happens
  ptype2 = substr
  pattern2 = EventClear $1 $2
  action2 = do something then pattern 2 matches
  window = X (where X is the time window you want)


This extracts the VarHost and VarPort from the event at Time, starts a
correlation operation which must be completed within X seconds by an
EventClear where the VarHost and VarPort match that of the original
event. Actions are fired at two points:
  1) when event 1 arrives
  2) when event 2 arrives

if event 2 arrives > X seconds after event 1 it will not be captured
by this rule.

Because the description includes $1 and $2 you will get a new
correlation operation for every pair of different host and port pairs.
Since you didn't require VarThreshold to be used, I ignored it.

You didn't actually give examples of the events you are trying to
match, so you will have to modify pattern. If you want a
different action sequence you may need to use PairWithWindow.  Also
you didn't specify if Time+X is exactly X seconds after time or just
some random number of seconds after Time.

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
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