Thank you for your response.

Yes... I am worried about performance, so I'm trying to design-in good 
performance from the get-go.

Thank you for your help!!!
Gary Boyles

-----Original Message-----
From: da...@lang.hm [mailto:da...@lang.hm]
Sent: Wednesday, October 10, 2012 1:11 PM
To: Risto Vaarandi
Cc: Boyles, Gary P; simple-evcorr-users@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [Simple-evcorr-users] Setup and use of context and variables.

On Wed, 10 Oct 2012, Risto Vaarandi wrote:

> hi Gary,
> below are short answers to your questions:
> 2012/10/10 Boyles, Gary P <gary.p.boy...@intel.com>:
>> Question #2:
>> ==========
>> Once I create a context-string, is there a way to do pattern-matching on the
>> context name?
>> What I?d like to do is have the CONTEXT name equal something
>> like?nodexyz::DC1::POD1?, and then to a pattern match to see if the node
>> name equals ?nodexyz? is contained in that CONTEXT name.
> unfortunately, pattern matching can't be done for context names.
> On the other hand, there might be several workarounds, depending on
> the actual problem you have (maybe it is possible to cleverly use
> context aliases?)

When you run into really sticky problems in this area, remember that if
you use a script as your pattern type you can have it set or reference
variables, including doing whatever pattern matching on things that you

perl hashes give you a huge amount of flexibility in this area. It's
trivial (and cheap) to check for the existance of a particular hash key
with exists, and you can always do keys %hash to get a list of the keys
and then search or do regexes against that list.

David Lang

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