
I will give that a try and see if $1..$n get set.

Thanks for the quick comeback.


-----Original Message-----
From: John P. Rouillard []
Sent: Friday, October 12, 2012 10:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Simple-evcorr-users] Use Of lcall.

In message
om>, "Boyles, Gary P" writes:

>Is it possible to set %xx variables as part of a pattern return,
>or $n, or is that also just reserved for  "action" statements.

%x variables (for X not an integer) are set with action statements.
%1...%N variables are set to the values of $1, ...$N in a dual-regexp
   correlation rule (e.g. pair) so that $1... has the values matched
   from the most recent regexp pattern and %1... has the values
   matched from the first regexp in the correlation rule.
>From my reading of the man page and my recollection, a perlfunc
   returning multiple values will have those values assigned to $1, $2
   ... $N ($0 is assigned to the current event). Then using an action
   command you can assign $1 to any %x variable you like.

>For example... this code works, but I'd like to retain the node and class
>name, and send back to SEC for use by other rules.  Any idea on how that
>would be accomplished?
>This works... but how to retain node and class in $1 and $2, or %node_class
>pattern=sub {                                           \
>        my(@myLine) = ();                               \
>        my($myNode) = "0";                              \
>        my($myClass)= "0";                              \
>        @myLine = split(/\s+::\s+/, $_[0]);             \
>        if (defined($myLine[1])) { $myNode  = $myLine[1]; }     \
>        if (defined($myLine[2])) { $myClass = $myLine[2]; }     \
>        if ( exists $suppressTbl{$myNode})                      \
>          { if ($suppressTbl{$myNode} =~ /$myClass|0/i) { return 1; } } \
        return 0;                                       \
>        }
>action=write /sec/log/sec.suppress.log %s

I think you should not return 1, instead use:

   return ($myNode, $myClass)

for success which should be assigned to $1 and $2 respectively.
You would still use "return 0;" for the failure case.

See also:

                                -- rouilj
John Rouillard
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