Hello Risto

Though this query is not related. Just got curious about using the variable
in a pattern directly instead of matching later.

Log: "ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 806353 for outside: <>/24057 to

identity: duration 0:02:01 bytes 313"

As per the rule, IPv4 is extracted to a variable $1 and match against
%ioc hash table. Instead, is it possible to  match the IOC IP's with
any part of the log(either in outside:([\d.]+)  or in



On Tue, Sep 3, 2019 at 12:47 PM Santhosh Kumar <santhoshkmrre...@gmail.com>

> Hello risto
> I ran the tests with real logs. Suggested method works exactly as expected.
> This resolves many of my other queries. Thank you for prompt response.
> Regards,
> Santhosh
> On Fri, Aug 30, 2019, 20:59 Risto Vaarandi <risto.vaara...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> hi Santhosh,
>> since your task involves not only matching IP addresses against a
>> blacklist but also includes reporting IoC information for a bad IP address,
>> I would recommend loading IoC data from file into a Perl hash which allows
>> for quick lookups. The example ruleset below uses a global hash %ioc which
>> is a global variable and can thus be accessed from all rules:
>> type=Single
>> ptype=RegExp
>> desc=load IoC information on SEC startup and HUP or ABRT signals
>> action=lcall %count -> ( sub { %ioc = (); \
>>        if (!open(FILE, "/home/risto/IOC_data_proposal.txt")) { return -1;
>> } \
>>        while (<FILE>) { if (/^\s*(([\d.]+):\d+\s*-.*)/) { \
>>          $ioc{$2} = $1; } \
>>        } close(FILE); return scalar keys %ioc; } ); \
>>        logonly Loaded %count entries from IoC data file
>> type=Single
>> ptype=PerlFunc
>> pattern=sub { if ($_[0] !~ /ASA-\S+: Teardown \S+ connection \d+ for
>> outside: ([\d.]+)/) { return 0; } \
>>         if (!exists($ioc{$1})) { return 0; } return ($1, $ioc{$1}); }
>> desc=Connection to IP address $1 with IoC information $2
>> action=pipe 'Log matched IoC:%{.nl}IoC: $2%{.nl}Log: $0' /bin/mail
>> some...@example.com
>> The first rule loads IoC information from file into %ioc hash table
>> whenever SEC is started or HUP or ABRT signal is received by SEC. IP
>> addresses serve as keys of the hash table, while each value is an entire
>> line from the IoC file. For example, if the file contains the following two
>> lines
>> - emotet
>> - emotet
>> the %ioc hash table will contain the following mappings (keys and values
>> are separated by ->):
>> -> - emotet
>> -> - emotet
>> Currently, the first rule assumes that IoC file is in the same format as
>> you described in your e-mail, and the rule uses regular expression
>> ^\s*(([\d.]+):\d+\s*-.*) for parsing the file and extracting relevant
>> information. Should the format of the file change, this regular expression
>> needs to be adjusted accordingly. Also, the rule finds the number of
>> entries loaded from IoC file, stores it in %count action list variable and
>> logs a debug message with this value into SEC log file. If the rule was
>> unable to open the file, the value -1 is logged which is useful for
>> troubleshooting purposes.
>> The second rule uses PerlFunc pattern for matching incoming ASA firewall
>> events and first verifies that incoming event matches the regular expression
>> ASA-\S+: Teardown \S+ connection \d+ for outside: ([\d.]+)
>> If there is a match, IP address of remote host is extracted and assigned
>> to $1 variable, and %ioc hash table is looked up for IoC information for
>> that IP address. If lookup is successful, PerlFunc pattern returns a list
>> with two elements (IP address, IoC info) which are mapped to match
>> variables $1 and $2 by SEC ($0 variable will hold the entire matching event
>> log line). The match variables are then used by 'pipe' action for sending
>> an e-mail to relevant mailbox.
>> Hope this helps,
>> risto
>> Kontakt Santhosh Kumar (<santhoshkmrre...@gmail.com>) kirjutas kuupäeval
>> R, 30. august 2019 kell 06:37:
>>> Hello
>>> Thanks for the brief..!!
>>> In my case, udgram creates a event loop however tcpsock functionality
>>> achived the goal.
>>> Regarding second scenario, the goal is to match the IP address and
>>> notify.
>>> "ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 806353 for outside: 
>>> <>/24057 to
>>> identity: duration 0:02:01 bytes 313"
>>> List of IOC's stored in a file(IOC_data_proposal.txt) as below.  the
>>> rule suppose to match the IP address from the file(
>>> IOC_data_proposal.txt) though the file contains other informations like
>>> port number and name of the malware, etc. which is not part of the log.
>>> The reason for not removing extra data(port, ioc name) from the file(
>>> IOC_data_proposal.txt) is that its required for a notification.
>>> ************************
>>> IOC_data_proposal.txt
>>> - emotet
>>> - emotet
>>> - emotet
>>> <>  - heartbleed
>>> ************************
>>> Expected mail Output:
>>> Log Matched IOC,
>>> IOC: - emotet
>>> Log: "ASA-6-302016: Teardown UDP connection 806353 for outside:
>>> <>/24057 to
>>> identity: duration 0:02:01 bytes 313"
>>> regards,
>>> Santhosh
>>> On Wed, Aug 28, 2019 at 4:18 AM Risto Vaarandi <risto.vaara...@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> hi Santhosh,
>>>> Kontakt Santhosh Kumar (<santhoshkmrre...@gmail.com>) kirjutas
>>>> kuupäeval T, 27. august 2019 kell 04:55:
>>>>> Hello Risto
>>>>> I’ve been running tests on SEC for a while and stuck with below
>>>>> points. I’m not familiar with Perl though I tried to find a solution from
>>>>> sec mail bucket but no luck, please suggest if this can be achieved with
>>>>> high performance,
>>>>>    1. I could see a log drops when I tested with the event rate of
>>>>>    15000 logs/sec. A simple SEC rule to receive and forward all the logs 
>>>>> to a
>>>>>    destination. The output shows relatively less number of logs. This also
>>>>>    increases the cpu usage from 0.3% to 45%
>>>>> ************************
>>>>> Type=single
>>>>> Ptype=regexp
>>>>> Pattern=([.\d]+)
>>>>> Desc=$1
>>>>> Action=pipe $0 nc syslog101 514
>>>>> ************************
>>>> The above rule is very inefficient, since 'pipe' action pipes the value
>>>> of $0 to "nc syslog101 514" command and then closes the pipe, forcing the
>>>> nc command to terminate. In other words, each time the above rule matches
>>>> an event, new command is forked, and if you have 15000 events per second,
>>>> the rule attempts to fork 15000 processes each second. This imposes
>>>> considerable load on the system and if you send in events at a high rate,
>>>> the rule might easily exhaust your system resources.
>>>> Instead of forking nc on each matching event, I would recommend to
>>>> utilize 'tcpsock' action which transmits events over a single TCP socket
>>>> (since you haven't used -u flag with nc tool, I assume that your syslog
>>>> server listens on port 514/tcp). For example, consider the following rule
>>>> (the rule terminates each transmitted line with the newline):
>>>> type=single
>>>> ptype=regexp
>>>> pattern=([.\d]+)
>>>> desc=test event $1
>>>> action=tcpsock syslog101:514 $0%.nl
>>>> If your syslog server speaks BSD syslog protocol (
>>>> https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3164), and incoming events are not in
>>>> that format, you could use sec builtin action list variables for formatting
>>>> the event and providing fields that syslog server expects (such as
>>>> timestamp). For example, the following rule transmits each event line over
>>>> TCP in BSD syslog format with priority 14 (facility of "user" and severity
>>>> of "info"), with hostname "myhost", with program name "myprog", and using
>>>> newline as a separator between messages:
>>>> type=single
>>>> ptype=regexp
>>>> pattern=([.\d]+)
>>>> desc=test event $1
>>>> action=tcpsock syslog101:514 <14>%.monstr %.mdaystr %.hmsstr myhost
>>>> myprog: $0%.nl
>>>> Finally, as David suggested, you can also pass messages to local syslog
>>>> server via /dev/log socket, and let the local syslog server handle the
>>>> messages (note that unlike for 'tcpsock' in previous example, there is no
>>>> need for hostname and terminating newline for 'udgram' action):
>>>> type=single
>>>> ptype=regexp
>>>> pattern=([.\d]+)
>>>> desc=test event $1
>>>> action=udgram /dev/log <14>%.monstr %.mdaystr %.hmsstr myprog: $0
>>>> If your local syslog server is rsyslog, you could have the following
>>>> rsyslog rule for forwarding messages:
>>>> if $programname == "myprog" then @@syslog101:514
>>>> As you can see, there are several ways for achieving your goal, and
>>>> hopefully above examples are helpful for selecting the most convenient
>>>> solution.
>>>>>    1. On a different scenario, I was interested to match the logs
>>>>>    with list of IOC’s. Here i was trying to mail the detected log along 
>>>>> with
>>>>>    IOC name. I could achieve it to certain level as mentioned in example 
>>>>> but
>>>>>    no luck with this cases, "Split IP's from the IOC file and use it
>>>>>    on the “pattern” to match IP from logs"
>>>>> ************************
>>>>> IOC_data_proposal.txt
>>>>> - emotet
>>>>> - emotet
>>>>> - emotet
>>>>>  - heartbleed
>>>>> ************************
>>>>> Please check and share some insights.
>>>> I am not sure I fully understood what exactly you want to achieve here.
>>>> Can you provide some examples of input events and what output you would
>>>> like to generate on each match?
>>>> kind regards,
>>>> risto
>>>>> Eg: I currently tested below case and its working fine as this is a
>>>>> straight forward IOC matches.
>>>>> ************************
>>>>> #Current Rule for matching IOC:
>>>>> type=Single
>>>>> ptype=RegExp
>>>>> desc=load IOC data
>>>>> action=logonly; delete IP; create IP; \
>>>>>        lcall %iocevents -> (sub{scalar `cat /usr/local/bin/sec-rules/
>>>>> ioc_data.txt`}); \
>>>>>        cevent IOC_IP 0 %iocevents;
>>>>> type=Single
>>>>> ptype=RegExp
>>>>> pattern=.
>>>>> context=IOC_IP
>>>>> desc=create an entry
>>>>> action=logonly; alias IOC IOC_$0
>>>>> type=Single
>>>>> ptype=regexp
>>>>> context=IOC_$2
>>>>> pattern= syslog.*hostname=([\w\-\d]+).*IP=([\d\.]+)
>>>>> desc=Matched host & ip: $2 && $3
>>>>> action=pipe '$0' mail -s ‘%s’ ‘test123.gmail.com’
>>>>> IOC_data.txt
>>>>> ************************
>>>>> Regards,
>>>>> san
>>> --
>>> Regards,
>>> SanthoshKumar S
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