Hello friends,

this post loosely follows this one:

Being monitoring consultant and developer, I have an idea to hide
complexity of SEC configurations, and still to allow to configure it also
for "regular" administrators without any developer or SEC background.

Imagined concept illustration:

[configuration DB] -> [generator(s)] -> [SEC configurations]

The punch line is, that user won't need to know anything about SEC, but
will need to understand logic of correlations employed, and their
parameters (configuration DB may have some kind of GUI). In the background,
higher-level correlations will be translated to respective SEC rules.

Maybe there exists something similar as described - if somebody knows about
something, I'd like if he or she will navigate me to it. If it does not
exist, maybe this is potential opportunity for implementation, and this way
also SEC could be more propagated, as still alive alternative to other
newer solutions usable for event correlations, e.g. based on ELK (I see big
advantage of SEC, that it does not need separate application infrastructure
for log collection and processing).

Any opinions about this topic?

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