
this is free continuation of
https://sourceforge.net/p/simple-evcorr/mailman/message/36867012/. That
post was about possibilities of user-friendly configurations of event
correlations outside of SEC (without knowing SEC syntax and low-level
principles), and generation of SEC rules from that externalized
configurations. But still manual process.

Next step would be integrating AI (machine learning) with SEC somehow, so
that user won't need to configure correlations statically, but they would
configure and self-optimize automatically. (There still could be some input
needed from the user, but system would be also able to react on changing
log traffic, and self-evolve.)

Something like ELK+AI has usable in the log monitoring area.

Maybe some integration with MXNet?

Does anybody have any experience in this area, to explain some more or less
theoretical or practical setup of AI-generated SEC rules? (I am pretty
sure, that this is out of scope of SEC itself, and SEC would'nt know, that
AI is dynamically generating its rules on the background and probably
nobody has working solution, but maybe we could invent something together.)

Thanks for any ideas.

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