Thank you Risto as without you this tool would not be available.
I know it personally helped me in two different shops to more easily perform 
certain job requirements.
Back in the early days there were more discussions on how to use it as well as 
some benchmarking on number of events over time.

Jon Frazier

-----Original Message-----
From: Risto Vaarandi <>
Sent: Tuesday, March 23, 2021 9:28 AM
Subject: [External] [Simple-evcorr-users] 20th birthday of SEC

Caution: This email originated from outside of GM Financial and may contain 
unsafe content.

hi all,

on March 23 2001, SEC version 1.0 was released into public domain. I would like 
to take the opportunity to thank all SEC users for creative discussions in this 
mailing list during the last two decades. I would also like to thank all people 
who have suggested new features or supplied software and documentation fixes. I 
am especially grateful to John P. Rouillard for many design proposals and new 
ideas that are now part of the SEC code. Finally, my thanks will also go to 
long term SEC package maintainers for their continuous work during more than a 
decade -- Jaakko Niemi (Debian and Ubuntu), Stefan Schulze Frielinghaus (RHEL, 
CentOS and Fedora), Malcolm Lewis (SLE and openSUSE), Okan Demirmen (OpenBSD), 
and all other package maintainers for platforms I might not be aware of.

Thank you all!


Simple-evcorr-users mailing list


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