>    1. As long as we exclude the longer window expiration case (so we just
>    want to suppress events for 10 secs), why you suggest to use two Single
>    rules instead of a SingleWithSuppress ?
> I’m referring to these rules:
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=event_(\w+)
> context=!SUPP_$1
> desc=react to event $1 and set up suppression
> action=write - We have observed event $1; create SUPP_$1 10
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=event_(\w+)
> context=SUPP_$1
> desc=do not react to event $1 and only update its suppression context
> action=set SUPP_$1 10
>    1. Does SingleWithSuppress use a sliding window ? According to my
>    latest tests it does not, so it should be equivalent to your two Single
>    rules..shouldn’t it ?
 you are correct that the SingleWithSuppress rule does not use a sliding
window. In contrast, the above two rules implement the sliding suppression

>    1. For the more complex scenario, when you  introduced also a MAXLIFE
>    context of 60 secs, so i’m referring to:
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=event_(\w+)
> context=!SUPP_$1
> desc=react to event $1 and set up suppression
> action=write - We have observed event $1; \
>        create SUPP_$1_MAXLIFE 60 ( delete SUPP_$1 ); \
>        create SUPP_$1 10 ( delete SUPP_$1_MAXLIFE )
> type=Single
> ptype=RegExp
> pattern=event_(\w+)
> context=SUPP_$1
> desc=do not react to event $1 and only update its suppression context
> action=set SUPP_$1 10
> ..as far as i can see, the shortest 10secs context will always expire
> first, thus deleting the MAXLIFE as well…so in the end this behaves just
> like the longer context does not exist at all. It seems equivalent to your
> rules in bullet 1), am i wrong ?

the lifetime of SUPP_$1 context is extended for another 10 seconds on each
matching event, so the SUPP_$1 context can actually have a longer lifetime

> I’ve been generating identical events every two seconds, and with those
> two rules i get 1 line every 10 seconds…instead i would expect to get one
> every 60 seconds…because i expected the 10sec window to be constantly
> sliding thus suppressing everything until the 60 seconds windows expires
> and basically reset everything.
> What am i missing ?

May I ask what is the format of the events you are generating, and do they
all look the same (for example, event_A)?

I have tested the ruleset with events "event_A" that are generated after
every 5 seconds with the following command line:

while true; do echo event_A >>test.log; sleep 5; done

Also, before starting the above command line, I executed sec with the
following command line that monitors test.log for incoming events. In
addition, this command line writes a detailed debug log to sec.log:

sec --conf=test.sec --input=test.log --log=sec.log

Here is the content from sec.log:

Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: SEC (Simple Event Correlator) 2.9.1
Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: Reading configuration from test.sec
Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: 2 rules loaded from test.sec
Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: No --bufsize command line option or --bufsize=0,
setting --bufsize to 1
Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: Opening input file test.log
Wed Mar 15 19:56:28 2023: Interactive process, SIGINT can't be used for
changing the logging level
Wed Mar 15 19:56:31 2023: Writing event 'We have observed event A' to file
Wed Mar 15 19:56:31 2023: Creating context 'SUPP_A_MAXLIFE'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:31 2023: Creating context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:36 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:41 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:46 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:51 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:56:56 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:01 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:06 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:11 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:16 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:21 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:26 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:31 2023: Changing settings for context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:32 2023: Deleting stale context 'SUPP_A_MAXLIFE'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:32 2023: Deleting context 'SUPP_A'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:32 2023: Context 'SUPP_A' deleted
Wed Mar 15 19:57:32 2023: Stale context 'SUPP_A_MAXLIFE' deleted
Wed Mar 15 19:57:36 2023: Writing event 'We have observed event A' to file
Wed Mar 15 19:57:36 2023: Creating context 'SUPP_A_MAXLIFE'
Wed Mar 15 19:57:36 2023: Creating context 'SUPP_A'

As you can see, the event "event_A" that appeared at 19:56:31 triggered a
notification message, and also, suppression contexts were set up. Also,
after every 5 seconds debug messages "Changing settings for context
'SUPP_A'" appear. These messages reflect the execution of the 'set SUPP_A
10' action when the event "event_A" appears. Finally, at 19:57:32 (61
seconds after 19:56:31) the context SUPP_A_MAXLIFE becomes stale, and when
this context is going through the deletion process, the context SUPP_A is
also deleted (see the "Context 'SUPP_A' deleted" debug message). The
disappearance of both contexts ends the event suppression process, and when
the next event "event_A" appears at 19:57:36, a notification is again
printed to standard output.

Did you generate events with the *same* suffix in real-time and provided
them to SEC in the fashion as described above? If you want to debug the
ruleset interactively in a quick way, you can also use smaller timeouts
than 10 and 60 seconds, and monitor events from standard input with the
--input=- command line option. This allows you to type input events from
the keyboard and observe what kind of SEC debug messages are produced in a
terminal window.

Hope this helps,
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