On Mon Oct 12 13:25 , Joel Sherrill  sent:

>henne...@cableone.net wrote:

>> I don't quite know what I'm doing.
>> The conversion tools want a local repository.
>> I eventually tried to get one with this command:
>> rsync -av cvs.sv.nongnu.org::sources/simulavr/ .
>> From the files listed, I thought I'd done it right.
>> I tried to test it by checking out simulavrxx from it:
>> What am I doing wrong?

>Nothing.  The CVS configuration is set up for savannah and
>needs a bit of tweaking to check out locally after a mirror.
>I commented this line out in CVSROOT/config

Thanks, that worked.

It's bedtime shortly.
Repository-making can wait for tomorrow.

>Savannah's CVS must have some features my Fedora 10 CVS
>does not.  I got warnings for two other option variables and
>commented them out:

Savannah appears to allow an old format for CVS repos.
Fedora apparently does not.
Don't understand about the first one though.

>I don't particular care which version control system is used as
>long as forward progress is being made.  I have swamped by a
>non-AVR project and really haven't had time to wade in.

Michael Hennebry
"War is only a hobby."
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