> Good. I recommend to not use Eclipse when we troubleshoot the bug.
> > But when I'm connecting avr-gdb to simulavr, Connect() function stops to
> execute and ReadByte() begins to execute (5-10 times per second)
> Does ReadByte() return some meaningful bytes or always -1?
> The command "$M" from GDB (probably caused by "load" command) may take
> a while to receive when ReadByte() is executed only 10 per second.
> > Then, I can see the timeout error in avr-gdb. ...
> File log.txt in your last mail indicates that the TCP connection is
> open and GDB did complete the handshake. Timeout error in avr-gdb is
> unlikely.
> Are you sure that the problem did occur then?
> Maybe it was run with "set remotetimeout 10000".
> (I cannot reproduce the problem. Tried clean version, fresh from GIT
> repository. GDB and simulavr launched from separate command-line
> windows. Not from Eclipse.)
> -- 
> Petr Hluzin

The problem is still occuring.
> Does ReadByte() return some meaningful bytes or always -1?
I've added "cout << buf[0];" into source code of GdbServerSocketMingW::ReadByte 
, and then I executed simulavr.
When I'm executing "target remote" command in avr-gdb, I'm receiving such 

In gdb:
"(gdb) target remote localhost:1212
Remote debugging using localhost:1212
warning: Can not parse XML target description; XML support was disabled at compi
le time
warning: Invalid remote reply: l<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE target SYSTEM "gdb-target.dtd">
<target version="1.0">

warning: Invalid remote reply:
warning: Invalid remote reply:"

And in simulavr, where I've added cout command:

And ReadByte() never returns -1
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