Here is a listing of very strange debugging session on simulavr w/ atmega 328p:

(gdb) load
Loading section .text, size 0x1f2 lma 0x7e00
Loading section .version, size 0x2 lma 0x7ffe
Start address 0x7e00, load size 500
Transfer rate: 244 KB/sec, 250 bytes/write.
(gdb) i r
r28            0xaa    170
r29            0xaa    170
r30            0xaa    170
r31            0xaa    170
SREG           0x0    0
SP             0x0    0x0
PC2            0x7e00    32256
pc             0x7e00    0x7e00 <main>
(gdb) stepi
0x00007e02 in main () at optiboot.c:452
   0x00007e00 <main+0>:    1f 92    push    r1
=> 0x00007e02 <main+2>:    cd b7    in    r28, 0x3d    ; 61
   0x00007e04 <main+4>:    de b7    in    r29, 0x3e    ; 62
(gdb) i r
r28            0xaa    170
r29            0xaa    170
r30            0xaa    170
r31            0xaa    170
SREG           0x0    0
SP             0x80ffff    0x80ffff
PC2            0x7e02    32258
pc             0x7e02    0x7e02 <main+2>

After the load command SP is 0 - the reset bug.
The first instruction a 0x7e00 is push r1
This instruction should crash the simulator with assert(0 != SP_value), but it doesn't. Instead SP wraps around to 0x80ffff.

Something goes badly wrong: Sometimes the assertion is thrown, sometimes not.

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