@panic: Thanks for your reply!

I did a look in the source and... ups. ;)

Up to the point that we simply forward bit access to RWMemoryMember is quite easy. But after that I looked in the code where the hw registers are implemented and I am also can not understand what is written there :-)

I assumed that we simple have specialized overloads to RWMemory members, but there access to registers is implemented with catching the address of a function to the getter and setter. This makes me wonder! My assumption was that we simple have a virtual function to overload and that we use CRTP for this. But I did not found CRTP but some strange P::get_the_getter stuff :-)

Sounds like a "bit" rework needed. OK, not the problem. For the first step, it should be easy to extend the get_the_getter things to add a get_the_bit_getter and set_a_bit_getter ( you can understand my stumbling? ) :-)

I started a branch for me, which I published just now. Look at git for this. Maybe the work is bullshit and we simply drop the branch... Take it as a first of my ideas... ;)

What I scary about is that C++ have virtual methods or overloads and CRTP in place. Why "we" use some manual get_the_getter is something I do not understand... I will look for that topic but please give me some time for that.

Feel free to kick me from time to time if you do not hear any good or bad news :-)


Am 01.07.2017 um 18:51 schrieb panic:

Klaus Rudolph:
can someone assist me a bit to catch the problem and the background
please? :-)

sure :-)

Which controller and which registers on that controller(s) are affected.
It would be nice if someone points me to two or more different registers
on a single controller core which provide "new" SBI/CBI functionality.

Example: ATmega644, http://www.atmel.com/Images/doc2593.pdf
   (other example: ATtiny25/45/85)
Initial datasheet revision date: 06/2005
Page 20, section "6.4 I/O Memory" (emphasis mine):
All ATmega644 I/Os and peripherals are placed in the I/O space. All I/O 
locations may be
accessed by the LD/LDS/LDD and ST/STS/STD instructions, transferring data 
between the 32
general purpose working registers and the I/O space. I/O Registers within the 
address range
0x00 - 0x1F are *directly bit-accessible* using the SBI and CBI instructions. 
In these registers, the
value of *single bits* can be checked by using the SBIS and SBIC instructions.

Have we more than an SBI/CBI issue? More instructions requiring rework?

AFAIK, it is only the SBI/CBI instruction. Affecting the PINx register
(port pin toggle feature, see below) and clearing of interrupt flags
(see below).

Datasheet page 67, section "12.2.2 Toggling the Pin":
Writing a logic one to PINxn toggles the value of PORTxn, independent on the 
value of DDRxn.
Note that the SBI instruction can be used to *toggle one single bit* in a port.

Page 20, section "6.4 I/O Memory":
Some of the Status Flags are cleared by writing a logical one to them. Note 
that, unlike most
other AVRs, the CBI and SBI instructions will only operate on the specified 
bit, and can therefore
be used on registers containing such Status Flags. The CBI and SBI instructions 
work with reg-
isters 0x00 to 0x1F only.

It would also be nice if the "new" functionality is described in a few
words and the wrong effect we currently have implemented. A direct
reference to datasheet is highly welcome.

Currently SBI/CBI are implemented as "read/modify/write" (as if
in/or/out instructions were used). However, this differs from a true
"bit-accessible I/O register".

Example: PINx toggle feature

DDRB = 0xff;
PORTB = 0xff;
PINB |= _BV(PB0); // sbi _SFR_IO_REG(PINB), 0

Expected behaviour:
   PB0 toggles from 1 -> 0
PINB is a bit-accessible IO register. The SBI instruction behaves as if
0x01 had been written.

Simulavr behaviour:
   All bits (PB7..PB0) toggle from 1 -> 0.
Simulavr emulates SBI as RMW:
- Read PINB: 0xff (each input stage=1)
- Modify: 0xff | 0x01 --> 0xff
- Write: 0xff --> PINB, == "PORTB ^= 0xff"

The PINx toggle feature can also be used to toggle pullups ("independent
on the value of DDRxn").

Similarly, SBI on an interrupt flag register with multiple interrupt
flags set, would also clear these other interrupt flags.
Another example: SBI on a non-interrupt bit would clear (i.e. write 1
to) an interrupt flag in the same register (because the interrupt flag
is read as 1, other bit is ORed, result with interrupt bit set is
written back).


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