Hi Joel, hi @all,

change is taken over to upcoming version. @Joel: it would be a great thing, if you have a possibility to write small tests (gtest would be good) for using the ADC peripheral.

I have updated the dev-cmake branch (examples, some bugfixes, change from Joel) and uploaded also the manual.pdf for this upcoming version: http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/simulavr/manual-1.1.0-rc1.pdf

This manual describes, howto build and work with the new structure. For this topics it's not use for release 1.0! For others, especially the examples chapter it's also usable for release 1.0.

cu, Thomas

Am 02.12.19 um 06:15 schrieb Joel Truher:

i implemented the 16 channel ADC used by the atmega2560, and pushed it to
my github fork:


I'd be happy for this to make it into the main branch if you-all like it.


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