Hi Peter,

about new parts for simulavr: this is a longer story. To be able to debug you could choose a similar part with same or more flash and ram size. To be explicit: debug code! Maybe without simulation of interrupts or peripherals! Not all peripherals are simulated! Even in parts simulavr supports now.

If somebody has time and knowledge to implement the expected peripherals (or rewrite the allready existing for new parts!): you are welcome!

And now to attiny187: without datasheet I can't tell anything, what's possible to simulate or not. A quick search end in tne information, that attiny187 should have a new interrupt system. And that AVRStudio 7 should support it. Datasheet? Nothing! Even in product matrix on microchip site no attiny187!

I have read on other boards about the information policy of microchip and the willingness of microchip to support open source and even avr-gcc. If they don't change it, you can assume that in a average time period the mega/tiny platform will be dead. If somebody in business would ask me, to choose mega or tiny controllers for future development, I would tell, that this would not make sense. It looks so, that the time of atmega/attiny is over. Even if this parts are really usefull in small requirements, where cpld is to small and inflexible and fpga is to much. Or also for prototypes and proof of concept. But this is maybe to less volume to be rentable.

cu, Thomas

Am 23.01.20 um 22:11 schrieb Peter Zehnal:

as I do my development for Atmel’s AVR MCUs mostly on Mac OS X or Linux, I was 
wondering what effort would be required in order to make the simulavr to simulate 
the “new" Tiny MCUs, e.g. attiny817. Thanks for a short feedback.

Kind regards
Peter Zehnal

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