Hi Mitko,

Regarding any resources for simulation scripts, for what I know all you can get 
is in the download section of the project 
http://download.savannah.nongnu.org/releases/simulavr/ and git repo. I'm only 
familiar with simulating using Python though. If you're interested I can share 
my old simple simulation project in Python for a device I once built, with more 
practical approach. Also it had a simulation event scheduler wrapped around 
python simulavr interface for easy triggering pin setting etc., however I 
didn't test it on the latest simulavr version

Marek Pietrzak

W dniu 2023-04-24 17:14:15 użytkownik Mitko Haralanov <voidtra...@gmail.com> 
> Hi,

I just recently found SimulAVR as part of Klipper's development. I
wanted to use it to test Klipper. What I want to be able to do is
generate async events from the simulation that Klipper will be
responding to. As part of that I would like to write a simulation
script that can set pin state in a user-defined way.

I am searching for documentation on writing simulation scripts.
Tutorials, API documentation, anything. So far, the only things that
I've been able to find are the examples in the repo but those contain
surprisingly little comments/documentation.

Are there any pointers to documentation?

Thank you

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