Argentina, a Haven for Nazis, Balks at Opening Its Files


BUENOS AIRES, March 7 — Under fire because of a new book that documents
for the first time how Juan Perón clandestinely maneuvered to bring Nazi
and other war criminals to Argentina after World War II, the Peronist
government here is resisting calls to release long-secret official
records about the collaboration.

According to the Simon Wiesenthal Center here, both the Foreign
Relations Ministry and the Interior Ministries have failed to respond to
letters, sent to them shortly after the book was published here late
last year, asking that the records be made public.

In addition, seven members of Congress have now called for an
investigation into how crucial immigration records were apparently
destroyed six years ago in defiance of existing laws.

The book that ignited the controversy, published in the United States as
"The Real Odessa: Smuggling the Nazis to Perón's Argentina" (Granta
Books: 2002), has become a best seller here. Its author, Uki Gońi, is an
Argentine journalist who had to do much of his research in European
archives after encountering closed doors here.

"This is an issue of credibility and transparency," Mr. Gońi said in an

But he also said he recognized the political explosiveness of the
documents since they demonstrated "just how closely linked Argentina and
the Third Reich were and prove the existence of a secret postwar
organization that involved Perón and provided a safe haven to Nazis."

According to records Mr. Gońi has uncovered here and abroad, Perón's
government, which was in power from 1946 to 1955, shepherded nearly 300
war criminals into the country.

Besides such notorious figures as Adolf Eichmann, Josef Mengele and
Klaus Barbie, dozens of French, Belgian, Italian, Croatian and Slovak
fascists, many of them Nazi collaborators sought in their home nations,
were also admitted, some under aliases, others under their real names.

The documents indicate that the covert network was run directly from the
presidential palace here by Rodolfo Freude, a German-Argentine who was
one of Perón's closest advisers. At the same time, Mr. Freude was both
running Perón's propaganda apparatus and serving as director of the
newly founded state intelligence service.

During his research in Europe, Mr. Gońi also discovered a confidential
Foreign Ministry circular from 1938 whose effect was to close Argentina
to Jewish refugees seeking to flee Germany.

It ordered Argentine embassies to turn down visa requests from all
applicants who "have abandoned their country as undesirables or
expulsees, regardless of the motive of their expulsion."

In 1992, the president at the time, Carlos Saúl Menem, also a Peronist,
ordered that all documents relating to the Argentine government's
dealings with the Nazis be made public. But that decree, like the
findings of a Foreign Ministry commission set up in 1997 to examine
similar links, appears to have produced little of use to historians or
victims of the war criminals who settled here.

"It's an embarrassment," said Sergio Widder, who as the Latin American
representative of the Simon Weisenthal Center sent the letters
requesting that the documents mentioned in Mr. Gońi's book be made
available. "They are simply newspaper clippings."

Argentina also has a law that makes official documents more than 30
years old the property of its National Archives. As a result, destroying
such records without the express authorization of the Archives, as the
immigration department is said to have done in 1996, is technically a
criminal act, one that the congressmen, all Socialists, want
investigated and accounted for.

"We believe that a lid was put on this during the Menem administration
and that if archives about criminals of war still exist, they need to be
made available to the public," said Rubén Giustiniani, sponsor of the
resolution. "Nazism-Fascism was one of the worst plagues ever to affect
mankind, and a recognition of what happened here is essential, not just
for history but for the present and the future."

Of the three government agencies that Mr. Widder has contacted with
requests for documents mentioned in the book, only the state
intelligence service has responded, albeit ambiguously.

In a one-paragraph letter, Secretary of Intelligence Miguel Ángel Toma
said simply that his agency "does not possess the information
solicited," without mentioning whether an archive even exists.

"We have reason to doubt this response, since it seems highly unlikely
that the police would have a file on someone like Mengele, who was in
the country under his real name, and the intelligence service would
not," Mr. Widder said. "Either they are lying or they are inept."

According to the documents Mr. Gońi uncovered, the Roman Catholic Church
was also deeply involved in the secret network. The Perón government
authorized the arrival of the first Nazi collaborators here, he said, as
a result of a meeting in March 1946 between Antonio Caggiano, an
Argentine cardinal, and Eugene Tisserant, a French cardinal attached to
the Vatican.

Because of that connection, Mr. Widder has also written to the Argentine
Conference of Roman Catholic Bishops, asking that it make public all
documents relating to the Argentine church's involvement in the
smuggling network. The bishops' group, however, replied that it was
unable to do so because "it did not yet exist" in 1946 and that "the
persons to whom we have turned have no recollection whatsoever" of the
two cardinals having met.

"The documentation I have seen shows that the church was the guarantor
to the Red Cross for these criminals to get permission to emigrate to
Argentina, and many of the applications are signed by priests or by the
Pontifical Commission of Assistance, the pope's own entity for
refugees," Mr. Gońi said. "This couldn't and wouldn't have happened
without the church." 

                                       Serbian News Network - SNN
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