Title: Message





The snake’s terror rules over the world. All of us, ordinary citizens, are the defenceless mice fascinated by the powerfulness of the mighty “humanitarian” beast. When the snake attacks and massacres people, we are most of the time like hypnotised creatures able to understand everything, to listen to everything but without any ability to act, to defend others and ourselves. Even if millions of us are trying to demonstrate against the snake’s brutality, our efforts are completely ignored.   


From paradise to genocide

Long time ago when the human kind was chased from paradise, the snake became the most important animal of this part of the God’s world. In the middle of the 18th century, the beast decided to dwell on Earth and to conquer through the liberal economy and by force all of humanity. Since then, and especially from 1990, the snake’s wars, brutality and criminal activity threaten the entire planet making of it the largest concentration camp and destroying peoples and civilisations.  From Palestine to Iraq, from Congo to Colombia, from Yugoslavia to Sudan, millions are being sacrificed to the snake’s neo-liberal fight for markets, resources, and cheap labor. In all, the snake’s “globalization” has produced an international terror using the media as weapons of manipulation and of psychological warfare.

So, in its address to the nation in March 2003, several days before attacking Iraq, the snake said:


For more than a decade, I and other snakes have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war.


Right! The snake “only” imposed the embargo and “few limited bombardments” on Iraq causing the death of (at least) one million people.  It is to say that this kind of diplomacy is “absolutely justified and perfectly moral”.

Anyone who doubts this should check out what former U.S. Secretary of State Madeline Albright said on the CBS program ‘60 Minutes’ in 1996. She was asked, "Because of embargo, half a million Iraqi children have died--more children than died in Hiroshima. Is the price worth it?" Albright's answer: "Yes, we think the price is worth it."

We can add the opinion of Scott Ritter, the former UN inspector for Iraq: “The inherent inhumanity of economic sanctions damages those who impose it. As an American, I resent having my national character stained this way. We're killing 5,000 kids under the age of five every month. Now people say Saddam's killing them, but ultimately, sanctions are killing them, and we shouldn't be supportive of something that causes innocent people to suffer to such a degree.



The snake’s country possesses by far the largest weapons of mass destruction


But the snake never pays attention to this kind of reflection but continues with some other prophetic words:


Intelligence gathered by this and other governments leaves no doubt that the Iraq regime continues to possess and conceal some of the most lethal weapons ever devised.


This time, other snakes do not agree with the statement.  Few years ago, in a letter to Congress, the CIA Director George J. Tenet contradicted such an assessment, arguing that Iraq shows no signs of developing chemical and biological weapons.

“Also, Robin Cook, who resigned as Leader of the Commons in protest against Tony Blair's plans for war (March 2003), gave a devastating critique of the Prime Minister's arguments for military action against Iraq. He dismissed Mr. Blair's claim that Saddam Hussein posed a threat to British people, insisting the Iraqi dictator had no weapons of mass destruction capable of being deployed against his enemies”.

It is true that the Iraqi dictator recognised once possessing chemical and biological weapons. But the fact is that Iraq today does not possess functional chemical and biological war capabilities since these were effectively destroyed during the UN inspection process in 1991-­1998. “Its’ earlier capabilities in this respect date back to the 1980s when Iraq under Saddam Hussein was an ally of the snake. There are documents proving that from 1985-­1989 and after Iraq’s use of chemical weapons against Iran in 1984, snake companies sent numerous fatal biological cultures, including anthrax, to Iraq. Eight shipments of cultures were approved by the Department of Commerce that were later classified by the Centers for Disease Control as having biological warfare significance. Altogether, Iraq received at least seventy-two shipments of clones, germs, and chemicals with chemical and biological warfare potential from the U.S. in these years”.

Before resigning, Robin Cook said the same thing accusing the British and German governments of supplying the Iraqi dictator with biological and chemical weapons.

By the way, it is no secret that the snake’s country possesses by far the largest weapons of mass destruction capabilities and the most advanced technology in this area. Consequently, the snake is perceived by much of the world as having double standards. As former chief weapons inspector for the United Nations in Iraq, Richard Butler, said: “My attempt to have the snake’s people enter into discussions about double standards have been an abject failure. I sometimes felt I was speaking to them in Martian, so deep is their inability to understand.” In Butler’s view, “What the snake totally fails to understand is that its weapons of mass destruction are just as much a problem as are those of Iraq” There are no “good weapons of mass destruction and bad ones”. Human beings will not swallow such unfairness.


Moreover, far from opposing the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, the snake has frequently blocked international attempts to limit them. For example in December 2001, the snake shocked the international community. It  refused the proposed enforcement and verification mechanism for the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention on the cynical grounds that if biological weapons inspections were to be carried out in its country they could threaten the technological secrets and profits of the snake’s biotech companies!


Spies, terrorism and oil 

But the snake rhetoric goes much further:


Over the years, U.N. weapons inspectors have been threatened by Iraqi officials, electronically bugged and systematically deceived. Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq regime have failed again and again.


The truth seems to be a “little different”. Take the example of Scott Ritter who has been the most outspoken critic of US policy towards Baghdad. In 1999 he published a book, ‘Endgame’, where he argued that Unscom's mission to disarm Iraq had been compromised by Washington's use of inspections to spy on the Iraqis. Unscom was a nest of US spies and that Iraq was disarmed long ago. The U.S. has perverted the U.N. weapons process by using it as a tool to justify military actions, falsely so. ... The U.S. was using the inspection process as a trigger for war.

However that may be, the snake does not care about criticism, arguments and logic of mice. It continues with its lies imperturbably:

 The (Iraqi) regime …has a deep hatred of the snake and its friends and it has aided, trained and harboured terrorists, including operatives of al-Qaida.

And a recent poll shows (February 2003) that three-quarters of snake’s people already believe Saddam is helping al-Qaida, a sign the administration is making its case, at least to the public. The fact is that the snake was never able to prove any kind of connection between the Iraqi regime and al-Qaida. Consider this:

“The snake’s intelligence officials told NBC News the actual links between Saddam and al-Qaida are sketchy. In fact, they believe Osama bin Laden views Saddam as too secular, not a true believer, and in some ways a threat to Islam”.

So, why is the administration trying to make the connection?
       “It would allow them to make the case to go after Saddam Hussein …and would justify military action (against
Iraq) and justify it immediately,” says former CIA analyst Ken Pollack.


Daniel Neep, head of the Middle East and North Africa programme at Britain's Royal United Services Institute, said so far there was no evidence of any “real credible” links between al-Qaida and Saddam Hussein. Back in the immediate aftermath of September 11 there was a lot of media speculation trying to link Iraq in some way which failed miserably at the time,” he said.
Thomas Withington, a defence analyst and research associate at the Centre for Defence Studies at King’s College,
London, said Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein were at opposite ends of the political spectrum.

If so, what is the snake’s real goal concerning its military action against Iraq? Everybody knows that the oil is the primary target:

“Oil is the most important strategic factor governing the snake’s ambitions in the Middle East. The fact is that the snake state, with about 2 percent of the known oil reserves in the world, uses 25 percent of the world’s annual output giving it an added impetus to attempt to exert control over supplies. There can be no doubt that the snake state seeks to control Iraqi oil production and the second largest set of proven oil reserves in the world (next to those of Saudi Arabia), consisting of over 110 billion barrels, or 12 percent of world supply. The Middle East as a whole contains 65 percent of the world’s proven oil reserves. Of seventy-three fields discovered in Iraq so far, only about a third is producing at present. The snake Energy Department estimates that Iraq also has as much as 220 billion barrels in “probable and possible” reserves, making the estimated total enough to cover the snake’s annual oil imports at its current levels for ninety-eight years!”

Within this oil perspective and knowing that the majority of the snake government is connected to the oil companies, the significance of the statement below is quite clear:

The snake state has the sovereign authority to use force in assuring its own national security.

Indeed, taking control over the oil resources all over the world is the main national interest of the snake state.


Snake’s and mice nature

Everybody knows that the snake avoided the blessing of the UN Security Council regarding its war against Iraq. Thus, according to international law, this war is not legal. But the snake has its arguments. He talks about human rights and describes the Iraqi regime as a monster having chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction. So, it is absolutely necessary for the snake to legitimate this war. It means that sooner or later the snake will “discover” Iraqi’s chemical and biological weapons maybe by scarifying its own soldiers. Anyway, it would not be the first time.      


What is the rationale concerning the current snake’s dirty war? If we continue to act like mice, the only question is who among us will be the next victim. In fact, we are not mice   because our psychology is a mice psychology. The snake respects just one thing in the world: the force. Concretely, instead pushing arguments regarding the international law, France, Russia or China had to send their troops in Iraq saying to the snake that any military action against Iraq would be at the same time military action against them. It was the only way to prevent this war. And it will be the only way to stop the future wars waged by the snake.

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