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Canada Passes Motion to Indict Saddam

By Associated Press

March 27, 2003, 9:46 PM EST

TORONTO -- Canada's Parliament unanimously passed a motion Thursday calling for the indictment of Saddam Hussein and other top Iraqi officials for "genocide, crimes against humanity, and war crimes."

It was unclear, however, if the decision was symbolic or if Canada would turn to the U.N. Security Council or other international bodies to seek an indictment.

The motion was put forward by oppositon lawmaker Jason Kenney, who first presented it five years ago after Iraqi immigrants told him they had been tortured under Saddam's regime.

Prime Minister Jean Chretien's government has resisted joining the U.S.-led coalition fighting to topple Saddam Hussein, though Canadian forces are providing limited logistical support in the Gulf.

Opinion polls show a majority of Canadians support their government's stance against the war. But critics from parliament foes to hockey heroes have called the policy disgraceful and insulting to their North American neighbor and crucial ally.

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