Title: Message
Our old friends in Kosovo

Posted: March 22, 2004
1:00 a.m. Eastern

By Joseph Farah

© 2004 WorldNetDaily.com

There are some people making the case today that the president lied to get us into a war in Iraq.

I don't believe that for one simple reason: If Bush lied about weapons of mass destruction, he surely knew that one day he would have to explain where they were.

However, I'd like to remind those making that case now that I remember another recent war where America's leader clearly lied. I'm talking about Kosovo.

We were told point-blank, over and over that the ethnic Albanians in Kosovo were the victims of "ethnic cleansing" at the hands of the Serbs. Not a shred of evidence has ever been produced to substantiate that claim by President Clinton and his cheerleading media friends who were gung-ho for war in the Balkans.

By the way, did I mention there weren't any weapons of mass destruction in the Balkans? Did I mention the only terrorists in the Balkans were on our side?

Nevertheless, we have all been distracted by other events since that misguided, illegal war. But now the chickens are coming home to roost. Now our "friends" are the ones doing the ethnic cleansing. And our "friends" are allied with the terrorists in al-Qaida.

Maybe we bombed the wrong side in that war.

Unfortunately, this new conflict in Kosovo is the start of something big – a new front in the global jihad, long planned by radical Islamist leaders in Bosnia, Albania and Iran, and directly linked with Osama bin Laden.

Bin Laden's forces and alliances in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, Albania, Macedonia, Southern Serbia and elsewhere in the Balkans are preparing for significant new operations.

NATO-led forces have had their hands full just trying to separate ethnic Albanians and Serbs and prevent a resurgence of attacks that killed 28 people and wounded 600 – the worst bloodshed in the province since its war ended in 1999. The ethnic Albanians are mostly Muslim. The Serbs are mostly Christian.

It was on behalf of the ethnic Albanians – mostly Muslims – that NATO declared war on Serbia, helping to establish a semi-autonomous, but U.N.-administered Kosovo state.

That's no longer going to be enough for them. Don't expect them to thank us for saving their lives from the Serbs. They know we didn't do that. They know that was a sham. They know that was a lie.

Kosovo illustrates the weakness, futility and pointlessness of the kind of "multi-lateral" engagements so many longed to see in Iraq. This was a NATO operation – planned and executed. It was called a total victory – a total success. Now, maybe, we can begin to see the truth.

I have opposed 90 percent of the military adventures this country has carried out in recent years – Bosnia, Serbia, Kosovo, Somalia, the pointless and never-ending bombing campaigns in Iraq throughout the Clinton administration, the bombing of a pharmaceutical plant in Sudan, the misdirected bombings of terrorist bases in Afghanistan that persuaded al-Qaida the U.S. was nothing but a paper tiger, etc.

But where were the peace marchers when these foreign-policy abuses were taking place?

Where was the righteous indignation when America was bombing countries that were absolutely no threat to our national security?

Why, suddenly, is there an explosion of pacifism – even after the U.S. experienced the worst attack on domestic soil in its history?

How could someone be in favor of attacking Serbia in 1999 while opposing this war in Iraq?

More to the point: Why are so many people who championed that war against Serbia expressing grave doubts about our mission in Iraq?

Whether Iraq had weapons of mass destruction or not, one cannot even compare the level of mass killing that took place under the regime of Saddam Hussein and that which took place in the Balkans in the late 1990s.

Serbia posed no threat to the United States whatsoever. Serbia had no weapons of mass destruction. Serbia did not support international terrorism. Serbia had no ill intentions toward the U.S.

And now, as the true colors of those we supported in Kosovo are shown, we can clearly see we were deceived.


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