You are invited!

To the 59th Serbian Day
On Saturday and Sunday, June 26 and 27, 2004 

At the St. George grounds on Montrose Road, Niagara Falls

Speakers: Mayor of Niagara Falls Mr. Ted Salcy  , Ambassador James Bissett,
Scott Taylor, publisher and Dusan Bosanac.

Every year 10.000 to 12.000 Serbs from Canada and the USA gather in Niagara
Falls to celebrate the national holiday of out forefathers which remembers
our defeat at the Battle of Kosovo on Vidovdan in 1389.
The St. George Church grounds are the prefect venue for this annual huge
gathering in celebration of our Serbian heritage. 
Entertainment: 7 area folklore groups and the best trumpets from DRAGACEVO=

Hope to see you at the Serbian Day!
Boba Borojevic

                                       Serbian News Network - SNN
                                           [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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