About hybrid/integrative architecturs, Michael Wilson said:
I'd agree that it looks good when you first start attacking the problem.
Classic ANNs have some demonstrated competencies, classic symbolic
AI has some different demonstrated competencies, as do humans and
existing non-AI software. I was all for hybridising various forms of
connectionism, fuzzy symbolic logic, genetic algorithms and more at one
point. It was only later that I began to realise that most if not all of
those mechanisms were neither optimal, adequate or even all that useful.

My own experience was along similar lines.

The Webmind AI Engine that I worked on in the late 90's was a "hybrid
architecture," that incorporated learning/reasoning/etc. agents based
on a variety of existing AI methods, moderately lightly customized.

On the other hand, the various cognitive mechanisms in Novamente
mostly had their roots in "standard" AI techniques, but have been
modified, customized and re-thought so far that they are really
fundamentally different things by now.

So I did find that even when a standard narrow-AI technique sounds on
the surface like it should be good at playing some role within an AGI
architecture, in practice it generally doesn't work out that way.
Often there is **something vaguely like** that narrow-AI technique
that makes sense in an AGI architecture, but the path from the
narrow-AI method to the AGI-friendly relative can require years of
theoretical and experimental effort.

An example is the path from evolutionary learning to "probabilistic
evolutionary learning" of the type we've designed for Novamente (which
is hinted at in Moshe Looks' thesis work at www.metacog.org; but even
that stuff is only halfway there to the kind of prob. ev. learning
needed for Novamente AGI purposes; it hits some of the key points but
leaves some important things out too.  But a key point is that by
using probabilistic methods effectively it opens the door for deep
integration of evolutionary learning and probabilistic reasoning,
which is not really possible with standard evolutionary techniques...)

-- Ben G

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