--- Mitchell Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> This is a good idea but some of the numbers seem wrong. In the first 
> scenario, the simulator is the computer connected to my brain (or the 
> software running on that computer, if you prefer); why should a synapse 
> count provide a good estimate of its complexity? And the complexity of 
> scenario five is a bit hard to quantify, but if you really thought it was 
> the same as that of the set of natural numbers, you might consider the 
> appropriate complexity to be that of the Peano axioms of arithmetic.

For the first scenario, I assume the environment would be complex enough to
use all of the brain's processing power to learn.  Otherwise our simulation
could replace the brain with a less powerful computer.

My estimate of 10^13 bits is very crude, anyway.  Nobody has actually counted
synapses.  There are about 10^11 neurons with (some unknown number) of
synapses each, thousands, I guess.  Some neurons have 50,000 synapses, but I
can't find any source that gives the average number in the cortex.  Also the
memory per synapse might be very small.  It is about 1 bit per synapse in a
Hopfield net, but maybe it is 0.1 or 0.0001 bits in the brain due to
redundancy.  We really don't know.

The complexity of 5 is also hard to quantify.  It depends on your choice of
universal Turing machine.  I could claim it is 0.

> >From: Matt Mahoney <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> >As you probably know, Hutter proved that the optimal behavior of a goal 
> >seeking agent in an unknown environment (modeled as a pair of interacting 
> >Turing machines, with the enviroment sending an additional reward signal to
> >the agent that the agent seeks to maximize) is for the agent to guess at 
> >each step that the environment is modeled by the shortest program 
> >consistent with the observed interaction so far.  The proof requires the 
> >assumption that the environment be computable.  Essentially, the proof says
> >that Occam's Razor is the best general strategy for problem solving.  The 
> >fact that this works in practice strongly suggests that the universe is 
> >indeed a simulation.
> >
> >With this in mind, I offer 5 possible scenarios ranked from least to most 
> >likely based on the Kolmogorov complexity of the simulator.  I think this 
> >will allay any fears that our familiar universe might suddenly be switched 
> >off or behave in some radically different way.
> >
> >1. Neurological level.  Your brain is connected to a computer at all the 
> >input and output points, e.g. the spinal cord, optic and auditory nerves, 
> >etc.  The simulation presents the illusion of a human body and a universe 
> >containing billions of other people like yourself (but not exactly alike). 
> >The algorithmic complexity of this simulation would be of the same order as
> >the complexity of your brain, about 10^13 bits (by counting synapses).
> >
> >2. Cognitive level.  Rather than simulate the entire brain, the simulation 
> >includes all of the low level sensorimotor processing as part of the 
> >environment.  For example, when you walk you don't think about the 
> >contraction of individual leg muscles.  When you read this, you think about
> >the words and not the arrangement of pixels in your visual field.  That 
> >type of processing is part of the environment.  You are presented with a 
> >universe at the symbolic level of words and high-level descriptions.  This 
> >is about 10^9 bits, based on the amount of verbal information you process 
> >in a lifetime, and estimates of long term memory capacity by Standing and 
> >Landauer.
> >
> >3. Biological level.  Unlike 1 and 2, you are not the sole intelligent 
> >being in the universe, but there is no life beyond Earth.  The environment 
> >is a model of the Earth with just enough detail to simulate reality.  
> >Humans are modeled at the biological level.  The complexity of a human 
> >model is that of our DNA.  I estimate 10^7 bits.  I know the genome is 6 x 
> >10^9 bits uncompressed, but only about 2% of our DNA is biologically 
> >active.  Also, many genes are copied many times, and there are equivalent 
> >codons for the same amino acids, genes can be moved and reordered, etc.
> >
> >4. Physical level.  A program simulates the fundamental laws of physics, 
> >with the laws tuned to allows life to evolve, perhaps on millions of 
> >planets.  For example, the ratio of the masses of the proton and neutron is
> >selected to allow the distribution of elements like carbon and oxygen 
> >needed for life to evolve.  (If the neutron were slightly heavier, there 
> >would be no hydrogen fusion in stars.  If it were slightly lighter, the 
> >proton would be unstable and all matter would decay into neutron bodies.)  
> >Likewise the force of gravity is set just right to allow matter to condense
> >into stars and planets and not all collapse into black holes.  Wolfram 
> >estimates that the physical universe can be modeled with just a
> >few lines of code (see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/A_New_Kind_of_Science
> >), on the order of hundreds of bits.  This is comparable to the information
> >needed to set the free parameters of some string theories.
> >
> >5. Mathematical level.  The universe we observe is one of an enumeration of
> >all Turing machines.  Some universes will support life and some won't.  We 
> >must, of course, be in one that will.  The simulation is simply expressed 
> >as N, the set of natural numbers.
> >
> >Each level increases the computational requirements, while decreasing the 
> >complexity of the program and making the universe more predictable.
> >
> >
> >-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

-- Matt Mahoney, [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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