Governments do not have a history of realizing the
power of technology before it comes on the market.

But this was not so with nuclear weapons...
And with AGI, it's about something that has the potential to overthrow the world order (or at least the order within a single country). Would not the governments equate any attempts at real AGI (which may become capable of changing things around it) with terrorism?

9/11, the world's most famous terrorist attack, did
absolutely nothing by itself to change history. Its
only real effect was to anger us into passing the
PATRIOT act, invading Afghanistan and Iraq, etc.


And then once it becomes a decent programmer, it will
suddenly have the option of going out onto the
Internet and forgetting about any rules. You cannot
constrain an AGI with the threat of external force.

But will it get such an option? Full-blown and working AGI would indeed be not easy to constrain. But governments may ban all work targeted at such AGIs far earlier than any decent AGI may get developed. External force may be applied not so much to the AGI itself, but to its developers.

A narrow AI, such as a medicine-discoverer, is very
unlikely to lead to AGI of any sort.

That was one of my concerns - that only narrow AIs would be implementable in practice, and that whatever they produce would not be easily accessible by the general public.

Governments have a history of building dangerous
technologies they find out are impossible to control
after the fact. Like the A-Bomb. And the Internet.

Internet can be controlled. And it is (unfortunately) going to happen more and more in the future..., with the help of AI as well.
Google already largely controls what we are able to find... More to come...


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