At 08:41 PM 4/2/2008, -dave wrote:
Hi All,

I'm quite worried about Google's new Machine Automated Temporal Extrapolation technology going FOOM!


Two thoughts:

1. Practicing futurists must be careful about claiming predictions about the future. Visionaries can get away with this, but not professional futurists. We applied designers and futurists make assumptive projections about preferred or alterative future and develop strategies for assessing and dealing with the future trends and outcomes.

2. Software that can predict the future is not currently capable of distinguishing the savvy of advertising's hype and carefully written copy.

But this will be interesting to be sure.


<>Natasha <>Vita-More, BFA, MS, MPhil
University Lecturer
PhD Candidate, Planetary Collegium - University of Plymouth - Faculty of Technology
School of Computing, Communications and Electronics
Centre for Advanced Inquiry in the Interactive Arts

If you draw a circle in the sand and study only what's inside the circle, then that is a closed-system perspective. If you study what is inside the circle and everything outside the circle, then that is an open system perspective. - Buckminster Fuller

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