From: "Attila Sipos" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

   There is even an IETF draft which discusses
   the problems with UAs inappropriately sending
   6xx responses.

           Title                : 6xx-Class Responses Considered Harmful in the 
Session Initiation Protocol (SIP)
           Author(s)    : D. Worley
           Filename     : draft-worley-6xx-considered-harmful-00.txt
           Pages                : 12
           Date         : 2007-2-26

As people have noted, the problem is that the UA, in sending 6xx, is
asserting that no other branch of the call can be successful.  But in
general, the UA *cannot* know that, since there may be multiple forks
upstream -- if the UA is [EMAIL PROTECTED], that is, serving extension
1234 at the address, it may be possible for the UA's user to
know that no other destination for [EMAIL PROTECTED] should be
contacted.  But it does not know that the call was originally made to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Although I suppose it could check the From:
header.) and so it cannot know that no other fork can be successful.

There have been proposals for a "scoped" rejection, allowing the UA to
reject the call on behalf of all other forks of its immediate AOR
(sip:[EMAIL PROTECTED]), but no further forks upstream.  Unfortunately,
I haven't seen much discussion about them, and it is difficult to
implement it in an upward-compatible way.

draft-ietf-bliss-ach-analysis-02 touches on a lot of these issues,
too, and is probably the best current path toward resolution.

In the project I work on, the sipX (open-source) PBX system, we've
adjusted the proxy to treat 6xx responses as 4xx to avoid this problem
(especially in order to ensure that if a P*lyc*m phone responds 603
Decline that the call will still go to voicemail, which is what the
users want).  I suspect that in the future, proxies will automatically
translate 6xx responses into 4xx responses when forwarding them

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