
This is Mitul Gogoi from Assam,north-east part of India,famous for one
horned rhino,found in National Park Kaziranga.

I am new to SIP and also Java.I am trying to make a sip outbound server(a
UDP server) in J2SE having a port number 7000(different from 5060) which
will sit between UA and SIP Server and will catch the datagram packets from
UA and SIP Server and then send to the destination.For UA I am using
X-Lite,for SIP Server I am using Brekeke SIP Server.I am using 3 machines
connected in LAN.

My X-Lite configuration is

SIP Account setting in X-Lite:

 in Account tab-

user name : MMM

Domain              :                             //this is
the IP of Brekeke SIP Server

tick on Register with domain and receive incoming calls

Send outbound via :

click on proxy       Address :            //this is the IP
of my outbound server

The flow chart of my program is:

first the obmain starts-------->inside it two threads start.One,OBUDPServer
and the other RespondsHandler(it will catch if any msg enter the MsgQueue,a
vector for collecting msges from SIP Server).First,X-Lite sends REGISTER
msg,and it will be received by OBUDPServer and then created an instance of
OBUDPClient,which creates a UDP packet and then sent to SIP Server.Then,when
the SIP Server sends back a msg,it will be caught by OBUDPClient and pushed
into Queue,called MSgQueue and  then immediatedly called called a listener
method to process the event.It will then again call OBUDPClient to make a
UDP packet having target IP and port and then sent to X-Lite through a UDP

The following problem occurs:

X-Lite shows Registration error:408-RequestTimeout

The logs of the three is generated:

Outbound proxy server can never catch 200 OK from SIP Server and deliver it
to X-Lite;but  I have seen the 200 OK packet is coming to the machine,where
Outbound server is running(running Sniffer).

Also,if you check the incoming & outgoing packets in m/c where X-Lite is
installed,there are only two msges REGISTER and 100 Trying involved;200 OK
packet never reaches X-Lite machine.

If you check the m/c where Brekeke SIP Server is installed, 200 OK packet is
generating and it sends the packet to the m/c where Outbound server is
running;but our Outbound server cannot be able to catch it.

Again, note when X-Lite is directly connected to SIP Server,it can able to
register because after X-Lite sends REGISTER msg to SIP Server,the SIP
Server send two msges consecutively;first SIP Server sends 100 Trying and
immediately it again sends 200 OK.Then only,X-Lite sends SUBSCRIBE.Then,SIP
Server sends back 100 Trying against this subscribe.X-Lite then again sends
SUBSCRIBE but with a Record-Route having IP address of SIP Serrver.

If anyone can help me I shall be highly grateful.

Kind regards,

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