see my comments inline


On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 7:18 AM, Padmaja <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hi all,
> This is regarding the local ringback tone generation vs playing early media
> as per RFC 3960. I am, not clear on a few points-
> 1. When should the Source UA start playing the local ring back or early
> media? I understand that the early media can start flowing as early as the
> dest receives the invite. So if RTP packets are received by the source
> before any 1xx response, can this be treated as early media and the source
> UA could start playing it or should it wait for the RTP packets after the
> 18x response?

[AOB] In genereal the media should be open when a 180 or 183  response
containing SDP is received. Now
if the above message are received without SDP, it is up the UA local policy
to play or not some sort of ringback or
announcement back.

> 2. What is the bearing of the SDP received/absent in the 18x response on
> choosing between local ring back and early media play back in the source
> UA?

[AOB] In my experiece most customers want when a 180 without SDP is received
to play ringback

> 3. If there is no 18x response from the destination but a direct 200 Ok
> after a delay, what should be played by the source UA?

[AOB] some gateways have the capability to be configured to play some sort
of either a ringback or  announcement in these cases.

> 4. Can the source UA switch between initially playing local ring back and
> then switching over to early media/ announcements and vice versa?

[AOB]  Sure.

> Thanks in advance,
> Padmaja
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