On Fri, 2009-03-27 at 15:14 +0530, Anuradha Gupta wrote:
> My query is that on receiving 380 response, what should be the
> possible handling
>   1. Terminating the call and initiating new request for alternate
> service after interpreting the message body.
>   2. Redirecting the Call request to redirect server (if it is
> provided in the response)

If the SIP element doesn't specifically understand the 380 response, it
will treat it as a generic 3xx response, that is, it will consider the
Contact headers in the response as alternatives for routing the call.
It appears that the 380 response does not provide Contact headers, so in
that case, the call will fail, as no alternatives are detected.

If the SIP element does specifically understand the 380 response, it
should parse the body and route the call to the provided destinations.


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