Hi Iñaki Baz Castillo,

Could you elaborate what does  "SIP is not "designed" for billing" mean? I mean 
there must be some way to do billing on SIP call otherwise how service provider 
or vendor will get revenue. I understand that one way is by specified duration 
such as monthly, yearly etc. 

In IP-PBX based we might avoid billing but one is really required in IP-Centric 
SIP call server deployment. 


From: Iñaki Baz Castillo <i...@aliax.net>
Cc: Sip-implementors@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2009 6:55:58 PM
Subject: Re: [Sip-implementors] billing in sip

2009/4/27 nabam serbang <nabamserb...@yahoo.com>:
> Hi,
> Could some one tell me how billing is done is SIP? Any call flow example 
> would highly be appreciated.

SIP is not "designed" for billing. Also billing is too much complex
and wide to try to explain it in an unique way.
Basically billing can be done in a gateway (which handles also the
media), in a proxy (very very very vulnerable), in a pure SIP B2BUA
(more reliable and secure than a proxy for billing)...

There is no magic response.

Iñaki Baz Castillo

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