Iñaki Baz Castillo wrote:
> 2009/7/20 sankara rao bhogi <sankara....@sun.com>:
>> Does any one know the regular expression for SIP URI?  I know, from ABNF
>> you can create regex, but I don't want to scracth my head.
> Are you looking for a regular expression to match if a string is a
> correct SIP URI?
> Don't do it as a SIP URI is *really complex* and the regular
> expression would be *really* long (I did it some time ago and it takes
> more than 50 lines).
> You must use a SIP parser instead of a regula expression.

Some people try to condense the requirements of parsing a complex 
grammar into a single expression, especially when only validation is 
required and not extraction of any tokens.

Alex Balashov
Evariste Systems
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