soma bhargava wrote:
> Hi All,
> As per RFC 3261
> sec Require:
> An ACK request for a 2xx response MUST contain only those Require
> and Proxy-Require values that were present in the initial request.

I think that is less than ideal wording.
It would have been better worded as:

"An ACK request for a 2xx response MUST NOT contain any Require or 
Proxy-Require values that were not present in the initial request."

There is no purpose to Require or Proxy-Require in ACK. Including 
Require values that were not present in the INVITE is an invitation for 
the ACK to be rejected, which it should not be.

In practice you would be best to include *no* Require or Proxy-Require 
values in the ACK regardless of what ones were included in the INVITE.


> and as per section 20 of RFC3261:
> Header field where proxy ACK BYE CAN INV OPT REG
> Require              ar   -   c   -   c   c   c
> As per RFC 3262
> sec 4 UAC Behavior:
> A Require header with the value 100rel MUST NOT be present in
> any requests excepting INVITE, although extensions to SIP may allow its
> usage with other request methods.
> the above 3 statements contradicts each other. 
> Please suggest if we need to add require header in ACK or not? 
> If yes then should it contain 100rel or not?
> Regards,
> Soma
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