If you aren't interested in the NOTIFY, you can use the norefersub 
option to bypass the subscription altogether.

Alternatively you could use the information about a failure to alert the 
transfering user in some way - display a message, blink, etc. From a 
practical perspective, I think a user that does an unattended call 
transfer would probably like to know if it doesn't succeed.


Bajaj, Gagandeep wrote:
> Hi 
> Bob sends NOTIFY "terminated" (15th message) to inform Alice that he has
> successfully connected with Carol. 
> Till Alice gets NOTIFY "terminated", it keeps the dialog details. 
> My question is: 
> 1)       Why after doing an unattended transfer and sending BYE to Bob,
> Alice would be interested in the last NOTIFY?
> 2)       Do commercial UAs do anything with the body of this NOTIFY
> "terminated"?
> 3)       If say NOTIFY "terminated" body contains "Failure response to
> Bob-Carol INVITE", what action Alice takes (generally seen) ??
> Thanks 
> Gagandeep Bajaj
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