Attila Sipos wrote:

> So this leads me to another question:
> What is the practical difference between:
> and


> ?
> Is it that in the first case, the request gets sent to ""
> but in the seconds case, it is sent to ""?
> Are there any other differences?

That is the difference.

And the third case can be sent anywhere (and via any protocol) that gets 
to the place that a pstn call to that number would get.

> Am I right that both requests should get sent to +12345678 on the PSTN?

Not necessarily. Once the request gets to the domain, its the server at 
that domain that decides what happens next. It is under no formal 
obligation to send it to the pstn, or to a place that also receives pstn 
calls to that number, though that is a common expectation.

This is especially notable if the number is not a pstn number that the 
domain is responsible for. In that case it might accept and forward it, 
or it might reject it. This property is a distinct disadvantage of the 
sip uri. For instance,

- you send an invite to;user=phone.

- When it gets there, the owner of that phone has set up
   forwarding to his mobile phone. This causes a redirect to;user=phone.

- you (from outside send another invite to;user=phone.

- when this reaches, it decides its not forwarding
   calls out of its domain (to the cell provider) on behalf
   of callers outside its own domain, so it returns a 404
   response. (Or pick the error of your choice.)

- now you have to pick up the pieces and decide what to do.

If the 3xx had been to tel:+13456789 then it would have been clear that 
it was your problem to find a path there.

I guess the "normal" fixup for something like this is for an SBC to 
patch the URL in the 3xx. But I don't know what it should patch it to.


An advantage of the sip form is that
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