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Nancy Greene wrote:
> Thanks for the answer, but I'd like to know why the RFC is written the way it 
> is. 
> What if there is an intermediate SIP proxy between the target in the 
> Request-URI and the proxy trying to reach it? That intermediate SIP proxy 
> does not allow traffic on the port mentioned in the Request-URI, so the 
> request fails to reach the target.  This does not seem right. Shouldn't the 
> RFC at the very least require a retry at the port that the intermediate proxy 
> expects traffic on?

I think you must be missing something fundamental.

I think the following describes what you are asking about:

        C ----- P ------ S

where the message from C is something like:

        INVITE sip:f...@s.com:12345
        Route: sip:p.com

In the above case C would be sending the request to P using the result 
of SRV lookup on p.com. The port number in the R-URI is irrelevant to 
how the request is sent to P.

Once the request reaches P, it will then use the R-URI to decide where 
to forward the request. So then the port number 12345 will be relevant.


> Nancy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Paul Kyzivat [mailto:pkyzi...@cisco.com] 
> Sent: March-15-10 9:08 AM
> To: Nancy Greene
> Cc: sipc...@ietf.org
> Subject: Re: [sipcore] RFC 3263 - why require use port in Request-URI?
> Nancy,
> Questions such as this should be brought to 
> <sip-implementors@lists.cs.columbia.edu>.
> To answer your question...
> The port from the URI is to be used *if* it is present in the URI.
> (Would you prefer to *ignore* it?)
> If the the port is *not* present in the URI, then the port is obtained from 
> DNS via the SRV query. That is explained further on in the same section of 
> the document.
>       Thanks,
>       Paul
> Nancy Greene wrote:
>> I have a question on section 4.2 of RFC 3263: 
>> Why is it that the port of the Request-URI is required to be used for an 
>> intermediate proxy? Is the issue that it is not known whether the next hop 
>> proxy is intermediate or is the actual destination in the Request-URI? 
>> If so shouldn't there at least be a procedure described to use the port from 
>> DNS instead of the one in the Request-URI if sending to the one in the 
>> Request-URI fails?
>> Section 4.2 from RFC 3263 (locating SIP servers):
>> If the TARGET was not a numeric IP address, but a port is present        
>> in the URI, the client performs an A or AAAA record lookup of the 
>> domain name. The result will be a list of IP addresses, each of which 
>> can be contacted at the specific port from the URI and transport 
>> protocol determined previously.
>> Nancy
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