Hi Albert
In general, 
        - responses to requests (received on TCP) should be sent to source port.
        - responses to requests (received on UDP) should be sent to port 
present in Via.

However there are number of parameters those can affect your destination 
transport params such as maddr, sent-by, received etc.
For details I will suggest to go through RFC 3261 section 18.


-----Original Message-----
From: Albert Rodriguez [mailto:rodriguez.alb...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 3:59 PM
To: Kamalakanta Palei (kpalei)
Cc: sip-implementors@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Subject: Re: [Sip-implementors] CORRECTION - SIP TCP Re Invite withdifferent 
TCP Source Port

Thanks Kamal,

For clarification - is it you opinion that the SBC should be responding to 
the Re Invite on the new TCP Source Port?

Thanks you for all your help!!

From: Kamalakanta Palei (kpalei)
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 4:20 AM
To: Albert Rodriguez
Cc: sip-implementors@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Subject: RE: [Sip-implementors] CORRECTION - SIP TCP Re Invite withdifferent 
TCP Source Port

Hi Albert

Ethereal trace helped to some extent, see lot of lost segments, so could not 
get complete message contents.

From your call flow it seems

1.       The call is connected. (see the ACK message packet number – 16).

2.       Looks your SBC putting “require: timer” in INVITE’s  200 OK 

3.       That is the reason you see re-INVITE from PBX (Pkt – 17, 23 etc). 
If it is going with different source port, it should be fine.  I do not 
think SIP restricts refresh re-INVITEs need to use same source port.

It looks at-least 2 re-INVITEs using same source port that is – 24621.

I hope with this your original question is answered.

Refresh time interval you can decide by looking at your network and max 
calls supported at given point of time.



From: Albert Rodriguez [mailto:rodriguez.alb...@gmail.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 1:46 PM
To: Kamalakanta Palei (kpalei)
Cc: Brandon W. Yuille; sip-implementors@lists.cs.columbia.edu
Subject: Re: [Sip-implementors] CORRECTION - SIP TCP Re Invite withdifferent 
TCP Source Port

Thanks Kamalakanta,

The Re Invite in this particular session comes at 619.8 - which is the 
refresh interval set on the PBX. Acting on your advise, I reviewed the TCP 
packets previous to the Re Invite and found that there are indeed TCP ACKs 
from the PBX from Port 27170, and there are even responses to the TCP ACK 
from my SBC.

If you don't mind, I'm including a pcap in this message. The relevent call 
in this capture is the first call when you filter for VoIP Calls. The 
original Invite is in Packet #7. = PBX = SBC
In this capture original TCP Src Port = 24621
Other TCP Src = 27170

Thank you so much!

**Other Question:  Given a very short interval of time, it is unlikely that 
this behavior can be corrected in time for my customers peak period next 
month. Given that the issue manifests itself with the Session Refresh 
interval; can you see any potential issues with setting the PBX to a Refresh 
Interval of 30000?

The only issue I can think of is the potential for a Hung Call in the event 
of a IP event.

On 1/18/2011 2:27 AM, Kamalakanta Palei (kpalei) wrote:

Correcting few type errors-  -----Original Message-----From: 
On Behalf OfKamalakanta Palei (kpalei)Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 12:53 
PMTo: Brandon W. YuilleCc: sip-implement...@lists.cs.columbia.eduSubject: 
Re: [Sip-implementors] CORRECTION - SIP TCP Re Invitewithdifferent TCP 
Source Port Hi AlbertFew more inputs -  Your message transaction is as 
below. (message1) > 15000 -- Invite with 
SDP --> - 5060(message2) > 5060 -- 200 
OK --> -15000(message3) > 16000 --  
Invite with SDP --> - 5060(message4) > 
5060 -- 100 Trying  --> 15000 It will be helpful to know 
what is the time gap between message1 andmessage3, and complete message 
transactions including those of TCPacknowledgements as well.If you can send 
me the ethereal trace to me, I can give a try to findout the exact cause, 
but may take sometime... I hope it may be a problem with your PBX software 
(just a guess, youneed to confirm though).Once the message1 is sent, it is 
expected your PBX should listen at theport 15000. I hope your PBX might not 
be listening at 15000 port. Hence we do not see SBC sending further 
responses (final one). To verify this capture the whole message transactions 
inethereal/wireshark, after message2 , just check if PBX sent some TCP ACKor 
not. If you do not see any TCP ACK from PBX side, see if you can locate 
ICMPpackets from PBX side to SBC. If this is what you are seeing, then my 
guess is correct, PBX is notlistening at 15000, it might be listening at 
5060. RegardsKamalCisco, Bangalore  -----Original Message-----From: 
On Behalf OfBrandon W. YuilleSent: Tuesday, January 18, 2011 7:20 AMTo: 
sip-implement...@lists.cs.columbia.eduSubject: Re: [Sip-implementors] 
CORRECTION - SIP TCP Re Invite withdifferent TCP Source Port Hi Albert, As 
far as I know, the transport layer is supphosed to be transparent to the SIP 
messaging. I would think what your PBX is doing is correct if the TCP 
connection was broken. The PBX reconnects using a different source port 
number as the previous was probably in a waiting/timeout state. The SBC 
should be looking at the the usual headers to match the call and not looking 
at the source port of the message to match the call (which it appears to be 
doing). If the SBC has doubts about the source of the message it can always 
challenge the message to be authenticated with a username and password via a 
401 response. Instead, it seems to be treating it as if it is a new call or 
does it just not know what to do? Either way it seems like a bug in the SBC 
to me. By the way you might also want to look at what is causing the PBX to 
pick a new port number. It seems that it has to be because the connection is 
breaking somewhere, which means there might be bigger issues if this is 
happening frequently within 300 seconds. Hope this helps,Brandon On 
01/17/2011 01:21 PM, Albert Rodriguez wrote: Correction: Previous message 
contained typo in sequence lines 2 and 4. CorrectSequence as follows: 15000 -- Invite with SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 200 OK --> - 
1500010.200.100.1:TCP- 16000 -- Invite with SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 100 Trying  --> - 15000 My 
apologies for the confusion.   On Mon, Jan 17, 2011 at 1:07 PM, Pavesi, 
Valdemar (NSN - US/Irving)mailto:valdemar.pav...@nsn.com  wrote:    Hello, 15000 -- Invite with SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 200 OK --> - 
1500010.200.100.1:TCP- 16000 -- Invite with SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 100 Trying  --> - 15000  Your 
Session Border ( ) is sending the response toitself. 5060 -- 200 OK --> - 
1500010.200.100.2:TCP- 5060 -- 100 Trying  --> - 15000 
From IP  sending to ip Maybe it explains why there 
is a re-transmission. And forRe-tramsmission the port should never be 
changed.    The 100 trying must be send if the final response will take 
longerthen  200ms.    Rfc3261 "21.1. Provisional 1xx   Provisional 
responses, also known as informational responses,   indicate that the server 
contacted is performing some furtheraction     and does not yet have a 
definitive response.  A server sends a 1xx   response if it expects to take 
more than 200 ms to obtain a final   response.  Note that 1xx responses are 
not transmitted reliably.   They never cause the client to send an ACK. 
Provisional (1xx)   responses MAY contain message bodies, including 
sessiondescriptions.   21.1.1. 100 Trying   This response indicates that the 
request has been received by the   next-hop server and that some unspecified 
action is being taken on   behalf of this call (for example, a database is 
being consulted).   This response, like all other provisional responses, 
stops   retransmissions of an INVITE by a UAC.  The 100 (Trying) responseis 
different from other provisional responses, in that it is never   forwarded 
upstream by a stateful proxy. "Regards!Valdemar  -----Original 
On Behalf Of extAlbert Rodriguez  Sent: Monday, January 17, 2011 11:28 AMTo: 
sip-implement...@lists.cs.columbia.eduSubject: [Sip-implementors] SIP TCP Re 
Invite with different TCPSource Port   I have configured a connection 
between a Session Border Controllerand  a Static SIP UA  (IP PBX signaling 
element) utilizing SIP over TCP.The IP PBX transmits a Re Invite with SDP at 
300 seconds with a TCPSource Port different then the original Invite. The 
SBC responds oncewith a "100 Trying," to the original TCP Source Port and 
fails tomake  any other transmissions causingthe session to eventually 
timeout. Following is a shortened sequence: 15000 --  
Invite with SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 200 
OK --> - 1500010.200.100.1:TCP- 16000 -- Invite with 
SDP --> -5060 5060 -- 100 Trying  --> - 15000 Questions: 1. Is this behavior supported by any SIP 
RFC? 2. Is it supported by by any TCP/IP RFC? Thanks in advance for your 
help! Best,Albert 
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