 As per O/A model rfc 3264 re-invite offer with  SDP containing connection IP is  not recommended . Since UA neither send any RTP/RTCP as the 
destination media address is not known nor receive any RTP/RTCP from
we are facing interop issue with B2BUA  when a re-Invite  offer is recevied 
with SDP containing c= and a=inactive  
Below  is what's happening, after the basic call  is succesfully connected.
1)UA1 initiates hold request  with a=inactive ,B2BUA modfies SDP with c= 
& a = inactive ,forward the request to UA2.
2)UA2 responds with 200ok sdp body with connection IP of its own IP 
(ex: & a=inactive. 
3)UA1 initiates unhold with a=sendrecv ,B2BUA modfies SDP with c= & a = 
inactive ,forward the request to UA2. Here B2BUA has not sent ACK to UA1
4)UA2 responds with 200 ok with SDP body with connection IP of its own IP 
(ex: & a=inactive.
5)B2BUA sends Invite without SDP body for session refreshment.
6)UA2 responds 200ok with a=sendrecv & connection IP of its own.
7)B2BUA sends ACK with SDP body of connection IP of UA1 & a=sendrecv
8)Now B2BUA sends ACK with SDP body a=sendrecv  to UA1 (this ACK is for point 
Now UA1 & UA2 are in call,But RTP media flow is not flowing.
Could some one give help in understanding this issue & how to resolve .

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