Paul Kyzivat <> wrote:

> Very early on there were proprietary INFO-based DTMF methods.
> For fairly good reasons, those techniques were found wanting.
> Rather than do another INFO-based mechanism, KPML was defined. But it
> has not never gotten traction. Meanwhile other mechanisms have been
> deployed. Now its to the Tower-of-Babel stage, but any new proposal just
> makes it worse.

Thanks for the history lesson :)
Something like that I already found from scattered mailing list sources,
but it was never clear to me whether there is a clear initiative to go
forward in
any direction.

So, the plan is to not develop draft-kaplan-dispatch-info-dtmf-package
any further
and just to wait for RFC 4730 to catch in more implementations?

Or is the plan something else? Is there anything that I can do today to help
push <some> plan in <some> direction?

> A lot of Cisco gear supports at least three mechanisms, (maybe more)
> with transcoding between them. :-(

I know that PGW has at least some flavors of INFO based methods
(with different payload types) and some flavors of Event based methods
(with or without subscription, different payload types).
It is missing RFC 4730 and it's transcoding capabilities are limited
as only some
combinations can be converted in B2BUA mode.

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