In case of session-audit from SBC,

UAC <------------ Broadworks
     INVITE ver=2
UAC-------------->  Broadworks
     INVITE ver=2

?? Should be a=inactive because UAC is already in hold. And also, earlier for 
a=sendonly, UAC had got a=inactive.


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of ext Nauman 
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2011 12:31 PM
Subject: [Sip-implementors] Broadworks Reinvite issue


Scenario is as follows UAC makes call to UAS over Broadworks B2BUA and then UAC 
goes on hold. Broadworks periodically issues Session Audit with SDP version 
number unchanged, this is for UAC and UAS which do not support session timers 
or UPDATE method. 

UAC ------->  Broadworks ------------> UAS
   INVITE ver=1            INVITE ver=1
    sendrecv                 sendrecv
UAC <-------    Broadworks   <---------- UAS
   200OK ver=1                200OK ver=1
     sendrecv                  sendrecv

UAC goes on hold

UAC------------> Broadworks  -----------> UAS
   INVITE ver=2                INVITE ver=2
    sendonly                     inactive

UAC <---------    Broadworks  <---------   UAS
   200OK ver=2                  200OK ver =2
    inactive                     inactive

Broadworks session audit  (UPDATE not supported by UAC or UAS)

UAC <------------ Broadworks
     INVITE ver=2
UAC-------------->  Broadworks
     INVITE ver=2

With session Audit shown at the end, Broadworks sends the UAC a REINVITE with 
the session version unchanged. However the last SDP that the UAC sent 
broadworks had a media attribute of sendonly. 

What should the UAC send back in the media attribute field here, should SDP be 
unchanged if the version no. is unchanged but in this case we would send back 
the original sdp with an attribute of sendonly.

I have seen UAs put inactive in this field,  what is correct? 

Many thanks

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