The traces indicate the cause value of 65 in Q.850 which states "Bearer 
capability not implemented".

This means UAS didn't like one of the fields in the following:

                    Access transport (9 bytes length)
                        Optional Parameter: 3 (Access transport)
                        Parameter length: 9
                        Access transport parameter field (-> Q.931)
                        Progress indicator
                            Information element: Progress indicator
                            Length: 2
                            .00. .... = Coding standard: ITU-T standardized 
coding (0x00)
                            Location: User (U)
                            Progress description: Origination address is 
                        Low-layer compatibility
                            Information element: Low-layer compatibility
                            Length: 3
                            1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                            .00. .... = Coding standard: ITU-T standardized 
coding (0x00)
                            ...1 0000 = Information transfer capability: 3.1 
kHz audio (0x10)
                            1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                            .00. .... = Transfer mode: Circuit mode (0x00)
                            ...1 0000 = Information transfer rate: 64 kbit/s 
                            1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                            ...0 0011 = User information layer 1 protocol: 
Recommendation G.711 A-law (0x03)
                    User service information, (3 bytes length)
                        Optional Parameter: 29 (User service information)
                        Parameter length: 3
                        User service information (-> Q.931 Bearer_capability)
                        1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                        .00. .... = Coding standard: ITU-T standardized coding 
                        ...1 0000 = Information transfer capability: 3.1 kHz 
audio (0x10)
                        1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                        .00. .... = Transfer mode: Circuit mode (0x00)
                        ...1 0000 = Information transfer rate: 64 kbit/s (0x10)
                        1... .... = Extension indicator: last octet
                        ...0 0011 = User information layer 1 protocol: 
Recommendation G.711 A-law (0x03)

Basically the incoming BC has to match with the BC which the UAS supports. I 
have attached the request packet for which the 488 response is generated.

Hope this helps,

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of ext Brett 
Sent: Monday, July 04, 2011 4:53 PM
To: Verma, Salil (NSN - IN/Gurgaon);
Subject: Re: [Sip-implementors] error 488

Would need to see the request to provide more details.

> We are getting this cause  Reason: Q.850;cause=65


> We are getting error 488  (not acceptable media ) when 
> ever we make a call.
> Any suggestion .

The following is a snippet from RFC 3398 section ISDN Cause Code to 
Status Code Mapping.

   ISUP Cause value                        SIP response
   ----------------                        ------------
   65 bearer capability not implemented    488 Not Acceptable Here

The following is a snippet from Q.850. Service or option not implemented class Cause No. 65 - Bearer capability not implemented

This cause indicates that the equipment sending this cause does not support the 
bearer capability requested.

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