If a UA sends a REGISTER with say a@b.c:dddd as a contact (binding) would it
ever be conceivable that a registrar would return anything other than that
binding in a 200 OK (I am assuming here that this UA is only registering


More specifically, 


Has anyone ever seen the contact of a 200 OK return URI info about the proxy
/ registrar itself?                                i.e. contact in 200 OK =


If so, can anyone indicate why this would be desirable?


I was under the impression that RFC3261 Sect 10.3, subsect 8 makes it
explicit that a proxy / registrar should return (in the contact) the
bindings (typically 1 in my simple scenario) that is basically a reflection
of the contact sent in the original REGISTER.


Typically, what use if any is made of the contact info passed back to a UA
in the 200 OK?



Thanks for any clarification.

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