On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 3:11 PM, Olle E. Johansson <o...@edvina.net> wrote:

> > > 2) not perform validation of the upstream element cert. Because by
> > > forwarding a response, by definition, it acts as a server in this
> particular
> > > transaction(request, and any responses to it).
> > >
> > > Why one would care validating a certificate of an upstream element when
> > > forwarding a response, if one doesn't case about that validity when
> he's
> > > forwarding a request?
> >
> > It could occur that proxy A presents to proxy B a client TLS
> > certificate owning domain atlanta.com, and then proxy A routes a
> > request witth From domain "atlanta.com" to proxy B. Let's also suppose
> > that the Via contains "myserver.org" in sent-by-host.
> >
> > proxy B cannot forward a response to proxy A using the TLS connection
> > so resolves myserver.org and connects there using TLS. Then proxy A
> > shows a certificate for domain atlanta.com rather than myserver.org.
> > Should proxy B allow it?
> >
> > Proxy B should not discard data(certificates previously received)
> associated with Proxy A when it tries to reconnect to it. I think Proxy B
> should retain the certificate atlanta.com, and have it associated with
> myserver.org, at least for the lifetime of transaction. So after resolving
> and connecting to myserver.org it could compare the newly received
> certificate atlanta.com with the one in caches.
> >
> Never ever. You can't assume that because you got a certificate valid for
> one domain that it's valid for another based on reverse DNS... If the target
> URI domain doesn't match the certificate, it's not a valid connection. TLS
> and certificates doesn't give room for "assuming" or "guessing". That's just
> wrong.

Two policies are possible, the server-only cert validation, and mutual cert
validation. We are discussing server-only cert validation scenario.

Why would Proxy B want to _validate_ the certificate of Proxy A if it have
not done so when Proxy A established a connection? Proxy B might want to
_verify_ that Proxy A presented the same certificate when Proxy B falls

If connection is invalid Proxy B(UAS) doesn't become a UAC to Proxy A just
because the underlying connection was closed and Proxy B is now
reconnecting. Proxy B is forwarding a _response_, therefore its role is UAS.
And in the scenario in question, UAC cert is not validated.

> Anyhow, I agree that it does not make sense to verify a certificate
> > when sending a response using the fallback mechanism (sending it to
> > the Via sent-by-host).
> >
> If you still have a valid connection. But if you don't....

You silently discard the response. This is as per rfc3261, Section 16.9.

This is one helluva topic!


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