
On 7/7/11 11:10 AM, Saúl Ibarra Corretgé wrote:
> Hi,
> On Jul 7, 2011, at 3:19 PM, Paul Kyzivat wrote:
>> AFAIK there is nothing written specifically about this subject.
>> Some thoughts:
>> - when in doubt, the "obvious" thing to do is to offer whatever
>>    you would have if you received an invite without offer.
>> - "more is better" - offering as much as you willing and
>>    capable of handling will give the recipient the maximal options
>>    to select what it wants.
>> - this may be tempered in cases where it is costly to you to
>>    offer something. I guess this would be determined by policy.
>> - in a "Replaces" case, if the replaced dialog is using media
>>    that you would otherwise not offer by policy, you may want to
>>    override the policy and offer them.
>> None of the above requires the REFER to carry anything new.
> Agreed. By "policy" do you mean local policy, right?


>> The cases where there may be some value in the REFER carrying some "hints":
>> - you want the referred dialog to offer *less* than it normally would.
>>    (This could happen in the splices context, where you might want a
>>    device to offer video and not audio.)
>> - you want the offer to include media that its policy would normally
>>    exclude. (E.g. video was not already in use, and the device normally
>>    doesn't offer video by policy unless the local user of the device
>>    does something overt to enable video.)
>> I don't think those cases are compelling, so I'm in no rush to work on a
>> mechanism to deal with them.
> I don't think video is a good example, because in most cases it goes together 
> with audio, more below.
>> Even in normal calling ISTM there is an unexplored area about how to
>> negotiate which media types are used, and how that interacts with user
>> experience. We have been living the simple life where there is generally
>> only one media type (voice) and hence no decisions to be made. But that
>> is now coming to an end.
> Indeed!
>> Specifically, do video-capable devices offer video whenever they make an
>> initial offer? Or should they wait for the user to manually enable
>> video? If they wait, how would the user know that video is even an
>> option on the call? (There may be a reluctance to establish video by
>> default because the user wants control of when/if his image is seen. And
>> on multifunction devices that share a screen among apps and UI, there
>> may be a reluctance to take screen real estate until its known it is
>> desired.)
>> One solution to that is to offer video, but in recvonly mode initially.
>> Or offer sendrecv but with intent to send video that doesn't originate
>> from the device's camera. (In effect, start with video "muted".) And
>> don't open a window to display video until some is actually received.
>> Instead, have some UI indicators that show the availability of video.
> I've seen this implemented as you described in many clients: video is always 
> offered but the stream is either recvonly or inactive and is then toggled. I 
> guess this will save you some bytes in the SDP in case you don't add the 
> stream in the beginning and need to add/remove/add the stream multiple times 
> later.
> Consider the following case, the one that made me write the email in the 
> first place: I (Bob) am having a MSRP chat session with Alice. Then Carol 
> calls me with audio. I can do both things at the same time, and I may want to 
> transfer Alice to Carol, but I'd like to suggest Alice that she uses audio in 
> the INVITE she sends to Carol.
>> I think there is a fruitful area for investigation here.
> I'd be willing to collaborate if there is interest on the subject :-)

I see Dale replied as well, with something a little like my comment, but 
different emphasis.

Lets see if there is more interest here.

I might have a bit of time to work on this after the upcoming ietf 
meeting is over. Till then I can continue to discuss via email but can't 
spend much more time than that on it.

I expect this is an area where there should be room for various kinds of 
policy control as a part of UA innovations, but where the basic 
offer/answer approaches may need standardization to ensure that 
interoperation brings reasonable results.

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