> From: Sproul, Barry K [barry.spr...@verizonwireless.com]
> I have an issue between 2 vendor platforms that causes permanent audio
> on hold. Initial invite from party A contains SDP offer with sendrcv
> and multiple codecs. Party B returns 200ok with SDP answer and
> includes attribute of a=inactive with multiple codecs. Party A
> reinvites with 2 preferred codecs to lock down media also adds the
> a=inactive attribute. At this point the call is without audio both
> directions indefinitely. I cannot find this scenario explained in RFC
> 3264. I can find example of a=inactive in the offer but not answer.

Each side is responsible for managing the "on hold" state that it
creates.  Its current on-hold state is shown by whether it indicates
that it is willing to receive media.  When a UA provides an offer, it
should offer all media directions that it is willing to support at
that moment, viz., sendrecv if it is not on-hold, sendonly if it is on
hold and willing to provide on-hold media, and inactive if it is on
hold and not willing to provide on-hold media.  When a UA provides an
answer, it should offer all media directions that are in the offer and
that it is willing to support.

In this case, A initially indicates that it is not placing the call on
hold by offering sendrecv.  B answers that it has the call on-hold and
is not providing on-hold media.

When A re-INVITEs, it should offer sendrecv again, as that is what it
is willing to do at that moment.  When A sends inactive, it is
indicating that it has placed the call on-hold and is not providing
on-hold media, despite that A's user has not executed the hold

Note particularly that when a UA provides an offer, it does *not* copy
the directionality from the SDP last provided by the other UA, it
offers everything that it is willing to support at that time.


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