On 11/9/11 9:47 AM, Worley, Dale R (Dale) wrote:
>> From: Sairam POKKUNURI [sair...@ipinfusion.com]
>> we dont care what type of phones or their properties are if they can send
>> and recieve properly
> OTOH, when you discover that some element is *not* sending properly, it is
> very useful if you can examine the message and determine the particular 
> element
> that sent the message, and the particular version of software it is running.
> That is why we recommend that all elements include User-Agent/Server in all
> SIP messages.

Unfortunately, I have heard this advanced as a reason *not* to include 
it, and for elements such as SBCs to remove it. Including this 
information discloses the equipment you are using, which is sometimes 
viewed as a business secret, and the info can also be used to select 
exploits of version-specific bugs.

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