On 12/22/11 1:14 AM, Johnson, Michael A wrote:
> I am seeking clarification on the History-Info RFC 4424
> In a transit scenario, an incoming call that is immediately redirected to 
> another party, I am getting rejected based on the History-Info field.
> This is only where there is no A-party identity provided on the initial call. 
> On the outgoing invite I send the from address as 'anonymous@ 
> as.abc.company.com" but include the P-Preferred identity for authentication 
> purposes.
> My ISP, however will not accept the call based on the fact that the domain in 
> the History-Info is the system IP, and does not match the Server Line/Port on 
> the initial incoming invite.
> To: "712345678 712345678"<sip: 
> 712345...@endcustomer.com.au;url-cookie=VNCHHA1-b6bpj6434lp57<mailto:sip:%20712345...@endcustomer.com.au;url-cookie=VNCHHA1-b6bpj6434lp57>>
> I do not find anything in the RFC that clearly seems to specify how this 
> should work.

You should know that 4244 will soon be superseded by 
http://www.ietf.org/id/draft-ietf-sipcore-rfc4244bis-06.txt. While you 
can't expect your ISP to support that yet, it at least gives an 
indication of direction and clarification of intent.

But as Dale said, there was and is no intent to specify that servers 
should reject requests based on what they do/don't find in H-I. IMO a 
server that fails a call because it doesn't like your H-I is a *bad* 
server that should be publicly chastised. However such behavior is not 

If you can't choose a new ISP, then tell your ISP that they are being 
stupid and out to lighten up.


> 2011-12-21  07:20:20  STS->Network  SSP               Level = 3              
> Unique ID = 0
> sip:0438xxx...@as.abc.company.com:5060;transport=udp<sip:0438786...@as.nipt.telstra.com:5060;transport=udp>
>   SIP/2.0
> Via: SIP/2.0/UDP 10.XX.YY.ZZ:5060;branch=z9hG4bK2724966256-92170064
> Route:<sip:sbc-qld.abc.company.com:5060;transport=udp;lr<sip:sbc-qld.nipt.telstra.com:5060;transport=udp;lr>>
> Max-Forwards: 25
> Authorization: Digest 
> username="NXXXXXXX",realm="client.com",nonce="BroadWorksXgwfexftkTs4w3nmBW",uri="sip:0438xxx...@as.abc.company.com:5060<sip:0438786...@as.nipt.telstra.com:5060>",response="64d5cfk3af388d6016e49ee004a2ab78",algorithm=MD5,cnonce="b3c85b02a0971594cdd55d56653abd6e713a9d8dd7162f62f8a843462fca9350",qop=auth,nc=00000001
> Allow: 
> Supported: timer,replaces
> From: "Anonymous"<sip:anonym...@as.abc.company.com>;tag=0_2724896256-92170062
> To:<sip:0438xxx...@as.abc.company.com<sip:0438786...@as.nipt.telstra.com>>
> Call-ID: 
> 2724896256-92170...@10.xx.yy.zz<mailto:2724896256-92170060@>
> CSeq: 3 INVITE
> Min-SE: 90
> Session-Expires: 90;Refresher=uas
> Contact: 
> "Anonymous"<sip:anonym...@10.xx.yy.zz:5060;transport=udp<sip:anonymous@;transport=udp>>
> P-Preferred-Identity: "712345600"<sip:712345...@as.abc.company.com>
> Diversion: 
> "Spare"<sip:712345...@10.xx.yy.zz<sip:738685763@>>;reason=unconditional;counter=1
> History-Info: 
> "Spare"<sip:712345...@10.xx.yy.zz<sip:738685763@>>;index=1,<sip:0438xxx...@as.abc.company.com<sip:0438786...@as.nipt.telstra.com>>;index=1.1
> User-Agent: Mitel-3300-ICP
> Content-Type: application/sdp
> Content-Length: 357
> Thanks.
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