2012/2/22 Paul Kyzivat <pkyzi...@alum.mit.edu>:
> If I was in the position of needing to construct a temporary offer, with
> no ability to handle media myself, and no knowledge of what the caller
> might be looking for or what is likely to be offered later, I would be
> inclined to offer audio with G.711 and a black holed IPv4 media address.
> Or maybe I would offer both audio and video and a whole bunch of codecs,
> still with black holed IPv4 address. But if possible it would be better
> to tailor the offer to the sorts of capabilities that will be offered later.

And all of this makes the requirement of an SDP offer in the first 1XX
response really a pain, am I wrong?

BTW, what about if a SIP proxy/server receives an INVITE with no SDP
offer and "Require: 100rel" and the SIP proxy/server wants to reply a
181 "Call Is Being Forwarded" or 182 "Queued" before ruting the call
to the appropriate destination (imagine an specific SIP application
server for an incoming call-center)? why should such a SIP
server/proxy include an SDP offer in the 181/182 response? It makes no
sense at all, and hence the requirement within RFC 3262 is wrong

Maybe this annoying requirement is inheritance from RFC 3261 in which
is stated that "the first reliable response to an INVITE MUST contain
an SDP answer/offer (depending on the presence of SDP offer in the
INVITE or not)?


Iñaki Baz Castillo

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