Not only does sip have no maximum callid length, it has no bound on the 
length of most things in the message.

Of course you can usually control the length of things that you 
originate, but you must not impose a limit on those you receive if you 
want to be interoperable. Just get it through your head that these 
things are not limited, and structure you implementation around that.

I'll point out the obvious to you: every element of a message is bounded 
by the size of the message as a whole. If you buffer the message for 
processing, then you can refer to elements of it, like the callid, by 
simply keeping the offset and length within the message buffer.


On 7/18/13 8:25 AM, Brett Tate wrote:
>> 1) Why don't we have this info in RFC 3261?
>> What does RFC says about max Call-id length?
> SIP has no maximum Call-ID length.
>> 2) What about it actually?
>> Today I put my call-id max length to 256 characters
>> but I am not sure if it is correct ...
> You can impose a maximum; however that means that you will not be 
> interoperable with vendors sending values higher than your limit.
>> 3) What about Call-id min length ?
> SIP has no minimum Call-ID length.  However, it must be globally unique.
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